The meteoric rise of the Jesuits and the profound effect they had in the 200 years after they founding. Two main aspects will be considered:

  1. How they operated in Western Europe.

  2. Their foreign missions in America, India and the Far East.

Finally, their fall in the 18th century. That didn't end their influence, though, since the Society was maintained outside Western Europe, until it could re-establish itself again. The Jesuits' revenge against their enemies (Protestant Churches and nations) was terrible, as will be shown.

Jesuit Policies in Europe

One of the first things that followed their establishment was the restarting of the Inquisition with its terrible torture and atrocities - in 1542, with extended powers to persecute Protestants, leading to the establishment of the great Counter-Reformation Council of Trent in 1545. The Jesuits played a central role in the extreme Romanist pronouncements of the Council. The Council was a theological as well as a militant offensive by which great persecution and attempted annihilation of Protestants around Europe was planned - viz. massacres in France and the Netherlands.

Another very effective policy of the Jesuits was the founding of schools, seminaries and other places of learning. Their abilities as teachers, their outward generosity, dedication and zeal, drew many people to study with them. Unlike previous Romanist institutions, they encouraged Protestants to enroll their children. However, this education also included the indoctrination of pupils into the rites, symbols and ceremonies of the Church of Rome. In this way they influenced Protestants families - especially those who were rich and influential. The indoctrination was so rigorous that it instilled acceptance without question in the pupils.

Jesuit Infiltration

In infiltrating Protestant institutions and Churches, they applied their doctrine of justification of false oaths or whatever else, as "for the greater glory of God." Viz., the following from the Jesuit oath:

"I, A,B, now in the presence of the Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, … do declare from my heart that, without mental reservation, that Pope Gregory identity Christ's Vicar-General, and is the only true and only head of the Universal Church throughout the earth; that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to His Holiness by Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation, and that they may safely be destroyed; therefore, to the utmost of my power, I will defend this doctrine and His Holiness' rights and customs against all usurpers of the heretical, or Protestants authority whatsoever, especially against the now pretended authority and Church of England, and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king or prince, or state named Protestant, or any of their inferior magistrates or officers. … I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of His Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant doctrine, and to destroy all their pretended power, legal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare, notwithstanding that I'm dispensed to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents, counsels, as they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatsoever, but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge, or discovered unto me…"

Jesuit Activity in Britain

As soon as the Jesuits started entering Britain, discoveries were made in the 1560's of men preaching as ministers in the Church of England, who were in reality Jesuit agents sent to sow discord among Protestants. In 1568 a Jesuit priest posing as a Church of England minister, accidentally dropped a copy of secret instructions on how to undermine and destroy the Church of England. In a search of his lodgings, a license from the Jesuits and a Bull from Pope Pius were found concealed in his boots, authorizing him to preach whatever he might judge best fitted to inflame the animosities and widen the divisions of the Protestants … no better way to demolish that Church of heresy, but by mixture of doctrines or by adding of ceremonies more than at present permitted.

The ultimate goal of these instruction were to bring the Church of England and other Protestant Churches to their knees back to the Church of Rome. When we look at the much weakened state of the professed Christian Church in England today and the tendency of the Ecumenical Movement towards union with Rome, we see how successful the policy of the Jesuits had been.

Throughout the reign of Elizabeth I the Jesuits were involved in plots to try to kill her and to re-impose Romanism on Britain by means of rebellions or foreign invasion, such as the Spanish Armada of 1588. This continued after the death of Elizabeth, with the Jesuit inspired gunpowder plot of 1605, in which King James I and his parliament were blown up. The Lord nevertheless protected Britain in the 16th and 17th centuries from them perpetrating the horrors that they did in France.

Jesuit Expansion in Europe

From a small beginning, the Jesuits rapidly expanded in continental Europe. The fact that they were not under the jurisdiction of a bishop, but were free to pursue their policies wherever and however they pleased, facilitated this. From Italy they established themselves in Spain, Portugal and Austria, from where they gained a foothold in Germany, the birthplace of the Reformation. They gained great influence with the rulers of these nations, and once this was achieved, persecution was set in motion against Protestants.

The Jesuits' subversive tactics in Germany ultimately destroyed the tolerance that existed between the Protestants and the Romanists. They were instrumental in re-ignited persecution in Germany, which led to the terrible 30 Years War that started in 1618. Although the plans of the papacy to rid Germany of Protestants failed, owing to the intervention of Protestant Sweden, the war left much of Germany in ruins.

In the neighboring Austro-Hungarian Empire, ruled by the Hapsburgs, who held the title of Holy Roman Emperor, the influence of the Jesuits became immense - at times virtually controlling the Emperor. Having this power, they almost purged this part of Central and Eastern Europe of true Christianity.

The Jesuits' influence in Poland was also enormous. Until the mid 16th century the Protestant cause flourished in Poland, which at that time was a major power in Eastern Europe. Again the entrance of the Jesuits after the Council of Trent in the 1560's was crucial in turning the country back into papal darkness. Due to their policies the standard of education, literature and industry declined, as did the national well being, which led to disastrous policies to their neighbors and ultimately to Poland's annihilation.

Their entry into France was slow, but they got a foothold by establishing educational institutions. Their meddling later inflamed the civil wars between the Romanists and the Huguenots. They were even implicated in the murder of the French king Henry III in 1589. For this and other plots, they were expelled from France in 1594, although not for long; by 1605 they again wielded considerable power.

When Henry IV succeeded the murdered Henry III, he renounced the Protestant faith and became a Romanist. However, he was still sympathetic to the Huguenots and wished to see an end to the religious conflicts. This led to the Edict of Nantes in 1598, which granted tolerance to the Huguenots throughout France. This led to his murder in 1610 - inspired by the Jesuits' teaching that it was right to kill "heretic" monarchs.

The Jesuits extended their influence in France in the 17th  century mostly by controlling the king via his Jesuit confessor. This was used to great effect during the long reign of Louis XIV. He had a Jesuit confessor from childhood, whose influence turned him into a fanatical bigot who unleashed terrible persecution against Protestants. Louis led an immoral life that the Jesuit confessor made careful use of to have him trembling at his feet for forgiveness. This influence led to violence against Huguenots increasing, and led ultimately to all Protestant worship to be outlawed by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Hundreds of thousands of France's finest citizens had to flee for their lives. Those remaining were forced to accept Romanism or face terrible punishment; the Jesuits were always at the fore in these acts of persecution. By the destruction of the Huguenots, France suffered a terrible blow and slipped into national decline.

Missions to India and the Far East

One of Loyola's original students, Xavier, set out for Goa in 1542 - a Portuguese colony in India. From there he subsequently went to Japan and China. It started a long history of missions to the East that led to the Jesuits gaining considerable influence with the powerful East India Company.

In these countries the Jesuits' methods of attracting converts was to allow conversion on the flimsiest of evidences and a simple outward ceremony. They also merged Hindu rites into those of the Church of Rome, so as to attract the native Hindus. In China and Japan they also mixed Eastern religions with Romanism. They, of course, also tried to convert leaders and gain influence over them via the confessional. The promotion of education and sciences were also used to serve their interests.

They eventually built up so much influence that they could initiate persecution of those holding onto Eastern religions - especially Buddhists in Indo-China. By means of their converts in high places, the Jesuits and the Church of Rome sought to convert China, Indo-China and Japan to Romanism.

As a result of the Jesuits' revolutionary and subversive tactics, they were expelled from many nations in the Far East. Their actions in the name of Jesus Christ in Japan were so odious and deceitful to the Japanese, that all Christians were banned from Japan for over two hundred years. However, the Jesuits left behind them a legacy of Romanist minorities in Indo-China, which were used by the papacy in Vietnam during the 1950's and '60's to attempt the forcible conversion of the population to Romanism. As with most places the Jesuits touch, disaster follows; this can be seen in the terrible legacy of the Vietnam War.

Their common roots in the Babylonian Mysteries of course, facilitate mixing of Romanism, Buddhism, Hinduism and other Eastern religions.

The Jesuit State of Paraguay

The Jesuits were very active in the Spanish and Portuguese territories of Southern America, in which the natives were converted (often at gun or sword point) to Romanism by the conquering Europeans. The Jesuits eventually gained special status and were granted their own territory in the 17th century; this was more extensive than the present borders of the state of Paraguay. As the Jesuits were absolute rulers, Paraguay became a model of the type of society that they sought to create. They at first treated the natives kindly and taught them several useful skills, but soon changed their policy, and reducing them to slavery, compelled the natives to work for them. Effectively all forms of liberty were denied under a rigid disciplinarian regime. No private property was permitted, as all possessions were "God's property," which meant all the property belonged to the Jesuits state. A system of total equality was also imposed, so that there was no distinction between anyone, with the exception of the Jesuit rulers.

The Jesuits' rule was actually following the principles of Communism that took root in the 19th century, that had long ago been envisaged by Plato. The difference here was that the Jesuits substituted themselves for the state or community. Their applying communism is not surprising in view of the fact that both Communism and national socialism (Nazism) derived from their evil policies. The origins of these systems can also be traced back to Babylon via the ancient secret societies of the Occult.

Suppression of the Jesuits

As the Jesuits attained power and influence in Europe, they also accumulated fast wealth and property. However, their scandalous greed, loose morals, ceaseless political intrigues and their encroaching on upon the prerogatives of the secular and regular clergy had stirred up mortal enmity and hatred everywhere. Among the higher classes it had been brought into complete disrepute. In fact, they had become a threat to the fabric of society in general. It led to them progressively being driven from previously friendly Romanist countries during the period of 1760 and 1770. Although Pope Clement XIII still supported the Jesuits, the Romanist nations of Europe petitioned him to take drastic action. He reluctantly called a secret conclave in 1769 to bring into effect the suppression of the Jesuits, but he then died mysteriously the evening before the enclave was to meet. Murder was, of course, strongly suspected, with fingers pointing at the Jesuits as the obvious perpetrators.

His successor, Clement XIV strove to reform the Jesuits, but had to act in 1773 to abolish them as a result of extreme pressure from the monarchs of Europe. It led to his death from poison a year later, with the Jesuits again topmost on the suspect list for the murder.

Evidence has it, however, that the Jesuit General Ricci contrived the demise of the Jesuits through his control of Freemasonry. Apparently Ricci's grand purpose with to confuse the enemies of the Jesuits to aid the establishment of a New World Order in America.


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