000901. 000830.
Psalms 16:7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my
heart instructs me.
000904. As the intercessors bless the mountains of Israel, the Lord
will remove the Arabs living on them.
000906. Received: Joel 2:26 You will
have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the
LORD your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be
¥ 001030.
Psalm 67:2 Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and
your eternal plan for all mankind.
001203. "You're nobody's captive audience, ... you're my witness!"
To Dominiquae.
001213. I'm giving you a
new song in your heart! (Zip. Apr.1995). Repeated with Psalm 96:1 on
960913 and again this day -- "Sing a new song to the
001213. Woke at 3am with thoughts
about going to Zipori to experiment with the plastic crates the Lord been
giving me over the last weeks. As confirmation I was reminded of "You've gone
full circle" -- from the idea about the crates to its execution. Also
confirmed by Psalm 96:1. It was indeed time for the new
001213. Psalm 67:2, "Send us around the
world..." confirmed by Psalm
96:1, "Sing a new song to the Lord! Sing
it everywhere around the world".
Psalm 96:3 confirms that it is by means of publishing not actual traveling:
"Publish his glorious acts throughout the earth. Tell everyone about the
amazing things he does.
001229. Again Psalm
105:18. Joseph in prison, but: 19 until God's time finally
came--how God tested his patience!
010101. Again
Psalm 106:5, but starting at 4
Remember me too, o Lord while you are saving and
blessing your people. 5 Let me share in your CHOSEN one's prosperity and rejoice in their joys, and receive the glory you give to
010102. "I didn't bring
you here to harm you, but to prosper you!"
¥ 010105. I will praise you everywhere around the world in every nation.
Ps 108:3
010108. "Don't go to
Jlm for the demo, I will do what I will do"--in spite of the
010110. "Your name is
Philip, isn't it". Ref. to cycling to Jlm.
010118. Psalm 119:46 I will speak of your statutes before kings and will
not be put to shame.
010129. "From a gentile
perspective. (A dream that woke me).
010207. All thoughts of marrying Marlena out of
desperation was banished by the re-affirmation that I had been set aside and
scriptures about "obedience" and "trust" - Was also reminded of the dream
about the "practical marriage" Ps 128:1 Blessings on all who reverence
and trust the Lord-on all who obey him! TLB
010207. The card of the Eilat shelter I had picked up
at their sister hostel in Haifa had been a direct lead - for
010327. "Seek ye first..."
includes to fulfill my calling according to his will: EXCLUDES A REGULAR
010420. Marrying Marlene will make you a REGULAR person. (Ruven
& Janiet seminar).
010423. "A priest to my
people Israel and my brother Ishmael" in a framework of Jews and Arabs
combined in Zionism.
Dream of the Indian wife.
Vision of the package on a shelf of my bed cupboard.
God's PROMISES have no expiry date - Batja outside the Dutch Embassy when I
couldn't get a visa. It was the
first direct confirmation of the Lord's promises to me in
010517. "Monastery" 010518. St
Anthony, Kapman, the two Jewish school boys. "They were you're
0010620. "Aspirins costs as much as a bottle of
liqueur, which give quality to life!" -
Kfar Sava
010626. Since I
couldn't cycle to Jlm, I decided to take a bus with my bike from a place as
close to Jlm as I could get. Prayed about it and immediately received
010713. "I moved you to Jerusalem because the enemy is going to
hit Tel Aviv".
010802. "Shaul killed his
thousands, but David his ten thousands". Indicated that another general will
be appointed to replace Shaul Mofaz.
010903. Prayed about my
future and saw a vision of an empty corner. That day Sherrie phoned about a
010924. Psalm 50:14.15 "...I want
your promises fulfilled..." As I was praying about this John Saxton
011001. Christian refugees to Israel.
Will it become my ministry?
011030. "The older brother will serve
the younger brother". Could it have to do with Kibbutz Ironit?
011111. Fritz confirmed that
Isa 17 is imminent - Gary's view in July.
020317. Battle at BR over Mayan
resembles the battle in the country. Gov giving up.
020522. John 6:5 When Jesus looked up and saw a
great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy
bread for these people to eat?"
020525. The word "REFUGEE" popped
up. I immediately suspected that it might be the basis for a future
application for residency.
021004 I've thrown in my weight
with IL - not the church (day George's TV fell)
030302 The
Foundation of Islam needs to be SHAKEN
030520 Needs to be a NC Temple
to avoid legalism.
030526. Dream about a woman in
031030 Seeing all the campers in
Tahoe first caused me to desire to have one. Then I realized the best way to
explore conquered territory in Israel would be like Abraham, by camping
wherever I arrive. The vision of a camping enterprise with campers and
campsites was born. I realized my homeless situation, with nowhere to pitch a
tent, served to draw my attention to the absence of campsites in
Israel. 031031 Execute new camping vision by creating a website -
Psalms 92:10 But you have made me as strong as a wild bull. How
refreshed I am by your power! 11 With my own eyes I have seen the
downfall of my enemies; with my own ears I have heard the defeat of my
wicked opponents. NLT (Strong ref to my hard work at Marie's)
031129 Sing to the LORD; bless his name. Each day proclaim
the good news that he saves. 3 Publish his glorious deeds
among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does. Psalms
96:2-3 NLT
031204 "Hear my voice, my people:
you'll know it's me when the walls come tumbling down; from the dust will rise
a new reality, a new day!" Ezek 13:14 I will break down your whitewashed wall; it
will fall on you and crush you, and you shall know I am the Lord? TLB.
031209 Girl at San
Franciso security check saying re all the food in my luggage: "Are you going
camping" - another confirmation of camping?!?!
031209 Left my watch (of 24 yrs)
at JFK airport = sign of a new phase?
Leads I had received were not leads, just a statement the Lord was making =
Bettie, "Boer-Jood" (Jesse) and Ellis farm. Did it mean my
volunteering days were over?
040102 Lord mentioned that he sent
the disciples with a purse the second time - does it mean that he was going to
give me a purse?
040104 Spent a lot of time in my
morning devotion to find out where my "purse" is going to come from. I ended
up with thinking about my concept of a book about God's scheming in my life -
based on E-Journal.
040111 Met George by the Lord's
appointment right at the door of KoK. He clearly heard: "Invite
040116 Realized I would only get
recognition from my family and others around the time when "TEN
from the nations will grab one Jew by the sleeve."
040121 (America? BR?) will go down
like the Titanic! (See 031204)
040122 Heard the name "Tel Hashomer."
040123 George mentioned $20m
040125 It occurred to me that I pester my
family with Israel because it is our Promised Land
as well - based on our banning from Israel for 4 yrs after our failure to
settle in 1986.
040203 Occurred to me that Jorik's
sign to sell out in Tahoe would be something dramatic happening in
DON'T ASK!" When I said, "But I'm asking you!": "Ask the people!"
Sent out associates.html. Could
be that the Lord wanted some people to know I have a solution.
040229 Prophet is not
honored before what he has prophesied is fulfilled - only then will people
start asking for me! Ezek 33:33 But when all these
terrible things happen to them-as they will-then they will know a prophet
has been among them." TLB
040318 I read about God dealing with enemies;
realized that the argument that Jesus has changed everything only applies to
those who are in him - the OT still applies to others until they have chosen
to be part of the NC.
Ps 141:5 But I am in
constant prayer against the wicked and their deeds. 6 When their
leaders are condemned, and their bones are strewn across the
ground, then these men will finally listen to me and know that I am
trying to help them.
040323 I complained bitterly to the
Lord that my lack of provision is a bad testimony - esp. to Dorit, but then he
reminded me that she had written to me, a sign of recognition in spite of her
not having received my birthday e-mail.
040404 I felt the Lord
wanted me to go to the King of Kings service to show me whether Maggie was the
woman or not. But she wasn't there. Her friend Vivien was there though, but it
only occurred to me as I was praying some days later, that the Lord "showed"
her to me!
040411 I got the impression that what I had
perceived to be "the ravens" providing for me, had ceased.
040423. Visited Ted
& Avi to mention to Ted that I feel Beit Shemesh is going to be the place.
While Ted was frantically trying to find a way for me to survive, I heard:
"...bekommer jou nie oor wat jy sal eet of aantrek nie" (It was the day George
left for his conference in the UK).
040511. For some days the
word VINDICATE (justify) slipped my mind as I prayed about my soon to be
homeless situation. But the word Redeem (save) kept on appearing. After a
day of heavy attack from George,VINDICATE again popped up in my morning
040511. In
line of additional confirmation that the Lord will act to redeem/vindicate me,
he brought up "SET ASIDE" in my pre-sleep prayer -- as if to say, "It's
fourteen years and its OVER!!" See 050827
040512. Jesus saying: "Foxes have
0405214. Freemasons are
builders, and since their members have basically ruled Israel from the
beginning and they are the ones who mostly made these bad decisions about
Israel's Moslem enemies (in accordance with Freemason plans) and
negotiated with them. They are , therefore, in effect the whitewashers
that will go down. Hopefully physical walls will also go down - esp. the
Temple Mt.
040515. Heated
debate with George showed me that Christians are going to be confused
when God starts blessing Israel in spite of them not having
accepted Yeshua
040518. Gearge kicked me out on the
16th. Sleeping in Aminadav Forest on my way to Bet Shemesh: "Sleeping in the
forest is the beginning of Holy Land Camping."
040519. Rain from a cloudless sky!
(Lord does not need clouds for rain)
040625 Praying about the
problem with Hadassah's freezer: "With the problem comes the solution."
040629 Praying in tongues
under the badgering of the Harrells was "to confuse their
040720 Prayed about "WHEN" the
wall will come down, when I received another "WHEN," that I had received
before:"When Jonathan Pollard dies in prison!" It refererred to what will be
the beginning of America's demize.
Let my establishment in Israel first be a "fait a compli" before I approach
Vivienne or any other woman. Later realized it might have to do with my
residency as well as my office/accommodation - the
whole package, including a bank acct. Approaching Viv.
might also have been for her to make a choice - natural spiritual life or all
super spiritual -- married vs. prayer meetings, etc..
040719 :"You'll hear my
power in my rumbling(s)." Rev 8:5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it
with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of
thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.
040728 Tomorrow is Friday!! (Proved
just to be a statement, not that something specific was going to
040731/0801 Slept little, puzzling about
the Lord's tolerance of the Muslems being all over the OC and e. Jlm -
having prime shops tourists pass by -- and occupying God's T.Mt. Then I
clearly perceived that every building that prominently displays the Dome
of the Rock is going to be brought down.
040803. Build a canopy over Sderot.
040907 Gen 14:22 But Abram replied, "I
have solemnly promised Jehovah, the supreme God, Creator of heaven and
earth, 23 that I will not take so much as a single thread from you, lest
you say, 'Abram is rich because of what I gave
him!' (As I consider moving back to Sam's Mt. - same
argument as with: "I won't share my glory with a
040925. Motzei
Shabbat. Reminded me that KOK needed a guard - as I prayed on my mattress on
the roof of the Petra.
041016. When my residency was turned down and I had to leave, I noticed
that Psalms 92:
(031118) said: 11 With my own eyes I have
seen the downfall of my enemies; with my own ears I have heard the
defeat of my wicked opponents. I would see it with my own eyes!! Connect it to, 040719 :"You'll hear my power
in my rumbling(s)."