As against humanist
Peace, that of the God of Israel in Isaiah 57:
He says in verse 12:
"And then there is your
'righteousness' and your 'good works' (humanitarian)-none of which will save
But he nevertheless promises in verse
19: "Peace,
peace to them, both near and far, for I will heal them all."
And how will he do it? The answer can
be found in verse 15:
"I refresh the
humble and give new courage to those with repentant
hearts." As is common of his
unambiguity, this principle is repeated in verse 18:
I have seen what they
do, but I will heal them anyway!
I will lead them and comfort them, helping them to mourn and to confess
their sins. TLB
of the land for sheep husbandry
Isaiah 13:20 She will
never be inhabited or lived in through all generations; no Arab will pitch
his tent there, no shepherd will rest his flocks there VS. the land the Jews
returned to:
Ezek 34:13 I will bring them out from the nations and gather them from the
countries, and I will bring them into their own land. I will pasture them
on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in all the settlements in
the land. 14 I will tend them in a good pasture, and the mountain heights
of Israel will be their grazing land. There they will lie down in good grazing
land, and there they will feed in a rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.
15 I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign
Return to
"Symbolism" |
(2) The
Sheep in the God of Israel's
in the fold
Isaiah 45:4 For Jacob
My servant's sake, And Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name;
II Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed
with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone
who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.
2. Israel
Psalms 98:3 He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to the house
of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God
Gen 48:15 Then he blessed Joseph and said, "May the God before whom my fathers
Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to
this day, 16 the Angel who has delivered me from all harm -- may he bless
these boys. May they be called by my name and the names of my fathers Abraham
and Isaac, and may they increase greatly upon the earth." NIV
Genesis 49:24 But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber,
because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd,
the Rock of Israel
Isaiah 44:1 "Listen to me, O my servant Israel, O my chosen ones: 2 "The
Lord who made you, who will help you, says, O servant of mine, don't be afraid.
O Jerusalem, my chosen ones, don't be afraid. 3 For I will give you abundant
water for your thirst and for your parched fields. And I will pour out my
Spirit and my blessings on your children. 4 They shall thrive like watered
grass, like willows on a riverbank. 5'I am the Lord's,' they'll proudly say,
or, "I am a Jew," and tattoo upon their hands the name of God or the honored
name of Israel. TLB
Micah 2:12 "I will surely
gather all of you, O Jacob; I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel.I
will bring them together like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture;
the place will throng with people. 13 One who breaks open the way will go
up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their king will
pass through before them, the LORD at their head." NIV |
Return to Contents: "Sheep in
God's fold" |
3. Relationship with the Shepherd
It involves
a choice, taking a stand, solidarity with one
1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah
came to all the people, and said, "How long will you falter between two opinions?
If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." NKJV
sheep know the shepherd they are following
(it's not a traditional "relationship"):
John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
I John 5:20 We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us
understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who
is true--even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life
Persevering in
following the true shepherd in the face of competition from other (false)
would have been impossible without his faithful support:
John 10:28 I give them eternal life and they shall never perish. No one shall
snatch them away from me, 29 for my Father has given them to me, and he is
more powerful than anyone else, so no one can kidnap them from me. 30 I and
the Father are one." TLB
1 Cor 10:13 And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what
you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so
that you can stand up under it. NIV
Revelation 3:8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door
that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have
kept my word and have not denied my name |
Return to Contents: "Sheep in
God's fold" |
4. Others than Jews
Psalms 22:31 They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn--for
he has done it
Isa 56:3 "And my blessings are for Gentiles, too, when they accept the Lord;
don't let them think that I will make them second-class citizens ... 6 "As
for the Gentiles, the outsiders who join the people of the Lord and serve
him and love his name, who are his servants and don't desecrate the Sabbath,
and have accepted his covenant and promises, 7 I will bring them also to
my holy mountain of Jerusalem and make them full of joy within my House of
Prayer. "I will accept their sacrifices and offerings, for my Temple shall
be called 'A House of Prayer for All People'!" 8 For the Lord God who brings
back the outcasts of Israel says, "I will bring others too besides my people
Israel." TLB
Zechariah 2:11 "Many nations will be joined with the LORD in that day and
will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the LORD
Almighty has sent me to you.
John 6:37 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes
to me I will never drive away.
John 10:16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring
them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock
and one shepherd.
Acts 15:14 Simon has described to us how God at first showed his concern
by taking from the Gentiles a people for himself.
Romans 9:24 Even us, whom he also called, not
only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles.
Romans 15:10 Again, it says, "Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people. 11 And
again, "Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and sing praises to him, all you
peoples. 12 And again, Isaiah says, "The Root of Jesse will spring up, one
who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.
Eph 2:11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth
and called "uncircumcised" by those who call themselves "the circumcision"
(that done in the body by the hands of men)- 12 remember that at that time
you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners
to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near
through the blood of Christ ... 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made
the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.
15 By abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.
His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making
peace 16 And in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the
cross, by which he put to death their hostility 17 He came and preached peace
to you who were far away and peace to those who were near 18 For through
him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. |
5. Salvation
I Peter 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God;
once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy...25 For
you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd
and Overseer of your souls
Psalms 28:9 Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd
and carry them forever. |
Return to Contents: "Sheep in
God's fold" |
6. Don't
Qualify for the
There are many examples of God (of Israel) actually rejecting Israel, that
led to dogma in many churches that Christians have replaced Israel -
"Replacement Theology." They fail to note, however, that God's anger
at them is invariably followed by a BUT, reversing his rejection to honor
his eternal covenant with the Jews to preserve them as a nation. A typical
example of this phenomenon is the symbolic action Hosea had to perform in
marrying a
Hosea 1:2 The Lord said to Hosea, "Go and marry a girl who is a
prostitute, so that some of her children will be born to you from other men.
This will illustrate the way my people have been untrue to me, committing
open adultery against me by worshiping other gods." 3 So Hosea married Gomer,
daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son. 4 And the Lord
said, "Name the child Jezreel, for in the Valley of Jezreel I am about
to punish King Jehu's dynasty to avenge the murders he committed; in fact,
I will put an end to Israel as an independent kingdom, breaking the power
of the nation in the Valley of Jezreel." 6 Soon Gomer had another child-this
one a daughter. And God said to Hosea, "Name her Lo-ruhamah (meaning
'No more mercy') for I will have no more mercy upon Israel, to forgive
her again. 7 But I will have mercy on the tribe of Judah. I will personally
free her from her enemies without any help from her armies or her weapons."
8 After Gomer had weaned Lo-ruhamah, she again conceived and this time gave
birth to a son. 9 And God said, "Call him Lo-ammi (meaning 'Not
mine'), for Israel is not mine and I am not her God.
10 "Yet the time
will come when Israel shall prosper and become a great nation; in that
day her people will be too numerous to count-like sand along a seashore!
Then, instead of saying to them, 'You are not my people,' I will tell them,
'You are my sons, children of the Living God.' 11 Then the people of Judah
and Israel will unite and have one leader; they will return from exile together;
what a day that will be-the day when God will sow his people in the fertile
soil of their own land again. Hosea 2:23 "At that time I will sow a crop
of Israelites and raise them for myself! I will pity those who are 'not pitied,'
and I will say to those who are 'not my people,' 'Now you are my people';
and they
will reply, 'You
are our God!'" TLB |
Then we also have
Paul saying: Rom
3:1 Then what's the use of being a Jew? Are there any special benefits for
them from God? Is there any value in the Jewish circumcision ceremony? 2
Yes, being a Jew has many advantages.
First of all, God trusted them with his laws [so that they could know and
do his will]. 3 True, some of them were unfaithful, but just because they
broke their promises to God, does that mean God will break his promises?
4 Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not.
Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this? That God's words
will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them. TLB
When it comes to "Not
making it to heaven" Christians shiver at Jesus' ominous
Luke 13:27 "But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from.
Away from me, all you evildoers!' 28 "There will be weeping there, and gnashing
of teeth, when you see
Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God,
but you yourselves
thrown out. NIV |
Return to
"Symbolism" |
.1. A
Nation/Israel Without a
I Kings 22:17 Then Micaiah answered, "I saw all Israel scattered on
the hills like sheep without a shepherd, and the LORD said, 'These people
have no master. Let each one go home in
peace.' (The Lord's
message to ungodly Agab that he would be removed from
being Israel's
Ezekiel 34:5 So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when
they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals.
Matthew 26:31 Then Jesus told them, "This very night you will all fall away
on account of me, for it is written: 'I will strike the shepherd, and the
sheep of the flock will be scattered. |
Return to Contents: The
Shepherd |
God of Israel the true
Psalms 23:1 {A psalm of David.} The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in
Psalms 80:1 {For the director of music. To [the tune of] "The Lilies of the
Covenant." Of Asaph. A psalm.} Hear us, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead
Joseph like a flock; you who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine
Isaiah 40:9 You who bring good tidings to Zion, go up on a high mountain.
You who bring good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout,
lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, "Here is your God!"
10 See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See,
his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him. 11 He tends his
flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them
close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. NIV
Jeremiah 31:10 "Hear the word of the LORD, O nations; proclaim it in distant
coastlands: 'He who scattered Israel will gather them and will watch over
his flock like a shepherd.
Ezekiel 34:16 I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will
bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong
I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.
Zechariah 8:20 This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Many peoples and the
inhabitants of many cities will yet come ... 22 And many peoples and powerful
nations will come to Jerusalem to seek the LORD Almighty and to entreat him.
23 This is what the LORD Almighty says: "In those days ten men from all
languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe
and say, 'Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.'"
An Oracle |
Return to Contents: The
Shepherd |
.3. Messiah
Micah 5:4 He (Messiah) will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength
of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. And they will
live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth
Matthew 2:6 "'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least
among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the
shepherd of my people Israel.'
John 10:14 "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me-
Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every
tear from their eyes.
.4. Chosen Shepherds (kings) of
II Samuel 5:2 In the past, while Saul was king over us, you were the one
who led Israel on their military campaigns. And the LORD said to you, 'You
will shepherd my people Israel, and you will become their ruler.'
Psalms 78:71 From tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of
his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance.Isa 63:11 ..."Where is the One
who brought Israel through the sea, with Moses as their shepherd? Where is
the God who sent his Holy Spirit to be among his people? 12 Where is he whose
mighty power divided the sea before them when Moses lifted up his hand, and
established his reputation forever? TLB
Ezekiel 37:24 "'My servant David will be king over them, and they will all
have one shepherd. They will follow my laws and be careful to keep my decrees.
Return to Contents: The
Shepherd |
.5. Foreigners serve as Shepherds for
Isaiah 44:28 Who says of Cyrus, 'He is my shepherd and will accomplish all
that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, "Let it be rebuilt," and of the
temple, "Let its foundations be laid."
Isaiah 61:5 Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields
and vineyards.
God's Criteria of Good
Num 27:15 Moses said to the LORD, 16 "May the LORD, the God of the spirits
of all mankind, appoint a man over this community 17 to go out and come in
before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the LORD's
people will not be like sheep without a shepherd." 18 So the LORD said to
Moses, "Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay your
hand on him. 19 Have him stand before Eleazar the priest and the entire assembly
and commission him in their presence. 20 Give him some of your authority
so the whole Israelite community will obey him. 21 He is to stand before
Eleazar the priest, who will obtain decisions for him by inquiring of the
Urim before the LORD. At his command he and the entire community of the
Israelites will go out, and at his command they will come in." NIV
.7. A
Jeremiah 49:19 "Like a lion coming up from Jordan's thickets to a rich
pastureland, I will chase Edom from its land in an instant. Who is the chosen
one I will appoint for this? Who is like me and who can challenge me? And
what shepherd can stand against me?
Amos 3:12 This is what the LORD says: "As a shepherd saves from the lion's
mouth only two leg bones or a piece of an ear, so will the Israelites be
saved, those who sit in Samaria on the edge of their beds and in Damascus
on their couches.
John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life
for the sheep.
Hebrews 13:20 May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal
covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of
the sheep |
Return to Contents: The
Shepherd |
.8. Only
one truth from One True Shepherd
Eccles 12:11 The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings
like firmly embedded nails--given by one Shepherd. The Lord will be awesome
to them, For He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth; People
shall worship Him, Each one from his place, Indeed all the shores of the
nations. New King James Version
Gal 1:7 Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying
to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven
should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be
eternally condemned!
...in the description
of the origins of Islam, even Mohammed's uncle suspected that when he, Mohammed,
experienced his visitation he was possessed by a spirit and needed an exorcist.
From Babylon or Jerusalem by Jan Willem van der Hoeven |
.9. Bad Shepherd
Ezekiel 34:8 As surely
as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, because my flock lacks a shepherd
and so has been plundered and has become food for all the wild animals, and
because my shepherds did not search for my flock but cared for themselves
rather than for my flock.
Zechariah 11:17 "Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May
the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered,
his right eye totally blinded!" An Oracle
John 10:12 The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when
he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf
attacks the flock and scatters it. |
Return to Contents: The
Shepherd |
.10. False shepherd
John 10:1 "I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen
by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber 2 The
man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. 3 The watchman opens
the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep
by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes
on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice ...7
"I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who ever came before
me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. 9 I am
the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go
out, and find pasture. NIV
Matt 24:24 For false Christs shall arise, and false prophets, and
will do wonderful miracles so that if it were possible, even God's chosen
ones would be deceived. 25 See, I have warned you. 26 "So if someone tells
you the Messiah has returned and is out in the desert, don't bother to go
and look. Or, that he is hiding at a certain place, don't believe it! 27
For as the lightning flashes across the sky from east to west, so shall my
coming be, when I, the Messiah, return. TLB
Revelation 2:2 I know
your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot
tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles
but are not, and have found them false. |