Arabs are Hamites |
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(pronounced Chamites) |
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"Some Arabs consider
themselves the descendants of Abraham, the forefather of the Jewish nation.
Ironically, if not for Muhammad's thorough study of the Bible, the Arabs
would not have known of the existence of Abraham. Muhammad studied the Bible
in order to be better equipped in his attempts to persuade the Jews to follow
his newly invented religion. When the Jews refused, he wrote the Koran -
the Muslim bible, and filled it with his own imaginary accounts of Biblical
events. He even took the liberty to change the God-given day of rest, Saturday
- the Sabbath, to Friday. Since Sunday was already taken by the Christians,
he picked Friday as the next-best Muslim day of rest."
The ancestors of the Arabs, Abraham's son Ishmael
and Esav (Esau), Isaac's son, and their descendants mainly married Hamites,
like Egyptians and Canaanites. Consequently the Arabs are Hamites. As against
this, Isaac and Jacob married women from the bloodline of Abraham and Sarai
who were Shemites. Abram's bloodline is outlined in Genesis 22:20-29. Nothing
is said of Sarai's lineage, but Abraham made it clear that his request to
her to "Say you are my sister" (Genesis 22:23 and 20:2), wasn't a lie, since
she actually was his half-sister - Abram said to king Abimelech:
22 Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though
not of my mother; and she became my wife.
Whereas children are 50% related to each of unrelated parents and 100% to
each other, the 50% Abraham and Sarah's child Yitzchak (Isaac) received
from each of their parents, was mixed with genes of both of them. While
it will take a mathematician to work out this equation, the mathematics when
it comes to Ishmael is easier since his parents were unrelated, his mother
being a Hamite from Egypt
(Genesis 25:22 ...son
(Ishmael), whom Sarah's maidservant, Hagar the Egyptian, bore to
What is important to
note, though, is that the percentage Shemite genes in Ishmael's children
was halved by 50% from the 50% he'd received from Abraham. This 50% was again
halfed in the next generation and it kept on being halfed down the line -
since we can assume that his offspring didn't marry into Isaac's family,
except perhaps for a very few exceptions. By the fifth generation his descendants
only had 3.2% Shemite genes and it dropped to less than 1% by the tenth
Pres. Bashar Assad of Syria's saying, "we are also Shemites", is therefore
technically wrong, although there are exceptions, like with him himself in
that it is said that his grandmother was Jewish. His territory and
northern Iraq was the area where the Jews originated, causing a sector of
the population to be closer to Shemites than the Arabs from, say Edom. They
will be, for instance, descendants of Aram, the Chaldeans, etc. That area
and part of southern Turkey, was also occupied by a nation whose land Israel
was to receive, namely the Hittites, and King David did actually manage to
conquer them and occupy their territory, causing Jews to dwell there and
increase the percentage Shemite genes in the population. Most of Israel and
a proportion of Judah never returned from their exile to Babylon, to "west"
of the Jordan river, also increasing the Shemite content of the gene pool
in the area east of the Jordan.
Who knows in the end who from among the Arab population might have Jewish
blood? A very carnal Arab operating in the Jaffo Gate area of Jerusalem among
tourists, once told me that he thought about 25% of the Arabs (in Israel?)
have Jewish blood. I was surprised that he of all Arabs, would make such
a statement, but it also added credibility to the suspicion I had nurtured
that a large number of Arabs were originally Jews who lost their Jewishness
due to becoming Muslims (voluntarily or involuntarily).
At the time I had asked the Arab about the amount of Jewish blood in his
people, I also asked a young Armenian whose father owned a restaurant near
Jaffo Gate whether he wasn't perhaps Jewish. His answer, "chas vachalila"
(Hebrew, God forbid) that I am! This is also the attitude of millions of
people among the nations - until things get so bad in their own countries
that they even forge documents to try to obtain citizenship in Israel. Many,
including thousands of Arabs, just "arrive" in Israel and work illegally,
some for many years. In a way it is probably the fulfillment of prophecies
about foreigners helping to rebuild the land and serve the Jews, viz.
Isaiah 24:2 Nations will take them and bring them
to their own place. And the house of Israel will possess the nations as
menservants and maidservants in the LORD'S land. They will make captives
of their captors and rule over their oppressors
Isaiah 60:20 "Foreigners will rebuild your walls,
and their kings will serve you. Though in anger I struck you, in favor I
will show you compassion Isaiah 62:5 Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners
will work your fields and vineyards.
Although some Arabs have
Jewish genes, the general Arab population are Hamites and they exhibit the
phenomenon that they will need to serve their brothers due to Noah's curse
on his son, their forefather, Ham, when he found out that he had dishonored
Genesis 9:24 25 When Noah awoke from his wine
and found out what his youngest son had done to him. He said, "Cursed be
Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.
26 He also said, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the
slave of Shem. 27 May God extend the territory of Japheth; may Japheth live
in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his
The Arabs, being Hamites, are inherently bound by the implication of this curse, that manifests in a seeming inability to create employment for themselves and they will mostly, for that reason, always be "Third World" people. In our discussion about the role of crude oil in the Middle East, we made the statement (1997): It is often asked why the Arabs in the Middle East have all the oil while Israel, the land promised to be overflowing with milk and honey, seems to have very little? The question also needs to be asked: has Israel's neighbor's oil been all that much of a blessing to them on a longer term? In other words, WHAT ELSE DO THEY HAVE in terms of intellectual property and industries, apart from those set up by other countries - mostly to manufacture weapons of mass destruction that don't contribute to GDP. In other words, what other than oil contributes to the gross domestic product of Israel and oil producing countries in the Middle East? It is incredibly ironic that industrialized countries in the west have benefited more from the Arab's oil than what they have benefited from it themselves.
The key reason why the
nation that was to develop from Ismael would be Hamites is that the promise
about this nation was actually made to his mother, the slave woman HAGAR.
Consequently, they were destined to be slaves like her
Gen 16:5 Then Sarai said to Abram, "It's all your
fault. For now this servant girl of mine despises me, though I myself gave
her the privilege of being your wife. May the Lord judge you for doing this
to me!"
6 "You have my permission to punish the girl as you see fit," Abram replied.
So Sarai beat her and she ran away.
7 The Angel of the Lord found her beside a desert spring along the road to
8 The Angel: "Hagar, Sarai's maid, where have you come from, and where are
you going?"
Hagar: "I am running away from my mistress."
9 The Angel: "Return to your mistress and act as you should, for I will
make YOU into a great nation. Yes, you are pregnant and your baby will
be a son, and you are to name him Ishmael ('God hears'), because God has
heard your woes. This son of yours will be a wild one-free and untamed as
a wild ass! He will be against everyone, and everyone will feel the same
toward him. But he will live near the rest of his kin." TLB
is interesting to note that this verse implies that the descendants of the
three brothers will always be linked along the lines God knitted them together
by means of Noah's blessings on them. The statement in
Genesis 9:27, "May God extend the territory
of Japheth; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem,"
is difficult
to understand. All the Jews (Shemites) in the world will eventually return
to Israel, the Promised Land - by their own choice and forced by the world.
Can it, however, be taken literally that Japheth will live in the tents of
Shem? During the 1990s large numbers of non-Jews (Japheth) immigrated illegally
from the former Soviet Union and thousands of others from other countries
such as Rumania, South America, etc., also turned up in Israel (legally and
illegally) to find work. This causes a large contingent of Japheth's descendants
to be present in Israel. In the last days Israel will probably also accommodate
a large number of non-Jewish Zionists refugees who will be persecuted for
their support of Jews and Israel - See
Prophetic Wakeup
Could all the descendants of of Japhet live in the tents of Shem?
It is hard
to imagine, but quite possible according to the "END" scenario drawn for
us in scripture, depicting Israel as the greatest of the nations:
Jer 31:7 For the Lord says, "Sing with
joy for all that I will do for Israel, the greatest of the nations! TLB
Isa 49:18 Look and see, for the Lord
has vowed that all your enemies shall come and be your slaves. They
will be as jewels to display, as bridal ornaments. ...23 Kings and queens
shall serve you; they shall care for all your needs. They shall bow to the
earth before you and lick the dust from off your feet; then you shall
know I am the Lord. Those who wait for me shall never be ashamed." TLB
That the relationship will actually be of "sharing" not "living" is given
in the preceding verse (26):
God bless Japheth, And let him
share the prosperity of
Shem. The
depth of Japhet's dependance on Shem to prosper is nevertheless accentuated
by "may Japheth live in the tents of Shem"
(verse 27).
It would be in line with the covenant with Abraham, "In you the nations of the world will be blessed." And the wonder of it all is that the nations will even be blessed more abundantly from blessing Israel due to the promise to Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you."
The present conflict in Israel with the Arabs will probably be resolved in a major battle in which the number of Arabs will be dramatically reduced, others will again pour in from Arab states (those left) to find employment - but under a new set of rules in which they will not be a threat to Israel. See "They bite the hand that feeds them/FONT>"
Evn Perach asserted the the following about the present situation in Israel in a letter to Ha'aretz (20 Dec. 2000), titled, "Why are the Arabs in Israel?"
Dear Editor
Regarding "First, Some
soul-searching" in Ha'aretz, of May 5, 2000: When it comes to the "plight"
of the poor Arabs in Israel, one needs to ask, "Why are they in Israel in
the first place?" With Israel, I refer to the un-partitioned land of Canaan
promised to Abraham, Yitzchak and Jaacov, the land shown to Moses from Mt
Nebo. Arabs are present in this land because:
My question is: If the Arabs have
the right to Israeli land they say they have, why didn't they develop anything
on it before the Jews started returning? It is now so easy to blame the Jews
for insufficient development in areas they occupy and to try to get things
by wailing at the UN, heads of nations and leftist Israeli humanists and
self-centered, defeatist, military men turned politician like Rabin, Barak,
Sharon, Ben Eliezer, etc.].
Evn Perach
Tel Aviv
** This desolation can
even today be seen in areas of Israel Arabs are occupying. This phenomenon
led to the line separating the so-called "Territories" from the rest of Israel,
being called the "Greenline" since there's very little "greenery" beyond
that line - except for the hills where Jewish "settlements" have been established
-- fulfilling the prophesy,
Ezekiel 36:2 "Son of man, prophesy to the mountains
of Israel and say, 'O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD. 2 This
is what the Sovereign LORD says: The enemy said of you, "Aha! The ancient
heights have become our possession." ... 7 Therefore this is what the Sovereign
LORD says: I swear with uplifted hand that the nations around you will also
suffer scorn. 8 "'But you, O mountains of Israel, will produce branches and
fruit for my people Israel, for they will soon come home. 9 I am concerned
for you and will look on you with favor; you will be plowed and sown. 10
And I will multiply the number of people upon you, even the whole house of
Israel. The towns will be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. 11 I will increase
the number of men and animals upon you, and they will be fruitful and become
numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past and will make you prosper
more than before. Then you will know that I am the LORD
*** There wasn't room in the letter to point out that majority of Arabs, now living in Israel and the so-called "refugees", only turned up in Israel (of our day) after the Jews had begun returning to the land in the late 1800s - mainly from eastern Europe - and started creating employment opportunities.
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