Bible quotes - Old Man
Old Man Created Image1 Make Image Curses Authority Sacrif Sins: All Men Broke Covenant Other G's False Images |
Celibacy Interfaith Sword Own thing Chancers Worldly Pride |
Democracy Nothing new humanism Backslide / Apostasy Backfires / Pride/defy |
Characteristics Limit God G's kindness Deceptive False |
Stupid/atheist God's role Destiny/Shortlived/ Judge |
/ Islam Hell/ Other gods G uses Spiritism Demons Characteristics |
New Man Repent Salvation_ Assurance Slave_free Rescued/Reconciled Righteous reward |
Power:- Binding_loosing Pray Intercede Lifestyle: 2G's thing Witness Humble Wait seek |
Nature Radical Zeal Thank 3Trust Praise Love vs sacrifice Promises |
Serve Encourage Provision Hardship/Attack Calling Reward i |
Vows/Serve Wine - Blood Objects Church Queen Kingdom (Babylon) |
The story of a Gentile women, Ruth |
Paul contradicts
God1 Cor 11:7 A man
ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but
the woman is the glory of man. 8 For man did not come from woman, but woman
from man; 9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
NIV Acts 17:29 "Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone-an image made by man's design and skill. NIV Gen 5:3 When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. NIV Gen 2:23 "This is it!" Adam exclaimed. "She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is 'woman' because she was taken out of a man." 24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife in such a way that the two become one person. TLB Gen 9:5 And murder is forbidden. Man-killing animals must die, and any man who murders shall be killed; for to kill a man is to kill one made like God. TLB Ps 8:3 When I look up into the night skies and see the work of your fingers-the moon and the stars you have made- 4 I cannot understand how you can bother with mere puny man, to pay any attention to him! 5 And yet you have made him only a little lower than the angels and placed a crown of glory and honor upon his head. 6 You have put him in charge of everything you made; everything is put under his authority: 7 all sheep and oxen, and wild animals too, 8 the birds and fish, and all the life in the sea. 9 O Jehovah, our Lord, the majesty and glory of your name fills the earth. TLB
ImagesLev 26:1
"'Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves,
and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am
the LORD your God. NIV Deut 4:16 so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman, 17 or like any animal on earth or any bird that flies in the air, 18 or like any creature that moves along the ground or any fish in the waters below. NIV Ps 106:19 At Horeb they made a calf and worshiped an idol cast from metal. 20 They exchanged their Glory (as God's image) for an image of a bull, which eats grass. NIV Isa 40:18 To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to? NIV Hab 2:18 "Of what value is an idol, since a man has carved it? Or an image that teaches lies? (what it symbolizes) For he who makes it trusts in his own creation; he makes idols that cannot speak. NIV (See also "Images") CursesGen 3:14 So the Lord God said to the serpent, "This is your punishment: You are singled out from among all the domestic and wild animals of the whole earth-to be cursed. You shall grovel in the dust as long as you live, crawling along on your belly. 15 From now on you and the woman will be enemies, as will your offspring and hers. You will strike his heel, but he will crush your head." 16 Then God said to the woman, "You shall bear children in intense pain and suffering; yet even so, you shall welcome your husband's affections, and he shall be your master." 17 And to Adam, God said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate the fruit when I told you not to, I have placed a curse upon the soil. All your life you will struggle to extract a living from it. 18 It will grow thorns and thistles for you, and you shall eat its grasses. 19 All your life you will sweat to master it, until your dying day. Then you will return to the ground from which you came. For you were made from the ground, and to the ground you will return." TLB Isa 59:1 Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. 2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. ... 9 So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows. NIV
MenGen 8:21..."Never again will I curse the ground because of
man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood.
NIV Ps 14:2 The LORD looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. 3 All have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one. 4 Will evildoers never learn--those who devour my people as men eat bread and who do not call on the LORD? NIV Deceived/delusionsGen 3:6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. NIV Ps 4:2 2 How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods? NIV BodyLev 19:28 "'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD. NIV Lev 19:28 You shall not cut yourselves nor put tattoo marks upon yourselves in connection with funeral rites; I am the Lord. TLB Ps 11:5 The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked and those who love violence his soul hates. NIV Broke CovenantHos 6:7 "But like Adam, you broke my covenant; you refused my love. TLB
16:4 Those choosing other gods shall all be filled with sorrow; I will not
offer the sacrifices they do or even speak the names of their gods.
TLB Ps 31:5 Into your hand I commit my spirit. You have rescued me, O God who keeps his promises. I worship only you; how you hate all those who worship idols, those imitation gods. TLB Ps 73:26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. 27 But those who desert him will perish, for you destroy those who abandon you (destroy those serving other gods - TLB). 28 But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do. NLT
Isa 8:19 So why are you trying to find out the future by consulting
witches and mediums? Don't listen to their whisperings and mutterings. Can
the living find out the future from the dead? Why not ask your God?
TLB ImagesCause Babylon's fallJer 50:34 "As for the people of Babylon-there is no rest for them! 35 The sword of destruction shall smite the Chaldeans," says the Lord. "It shall smite the people of Babylon-her princes and wise men too. 36 All her wise counselors shall become fools! Panic shall seize her mightiest warriors! 37 War shall devour her horses and chariots, and her allies from other lands shall become as weak as women. Her treasures shall all be robbed; 38 even her water supply will fail. And why? Because the whole land is full of images, and the people are madly in love with their idols. TLB |