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NationsSee Scripture Keywords Nations (One World)
JewsGen 11:31 Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Haran, they settled there. 32 Terah lived 205 years, and he died in Haran. NIV In other words, God already "instilled" the nation - knowing that Terah wouldn't get very far.(Abram was then about 205-70=135 when Terah died - according to the NIV(Gen 11:26 After Terah had lived 70 years, he became the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran. NIV).

The TLB is nearer correct: Gen 11:26 By the time Terah was seventy years old, he had three sons, Abram, Nahor, and Haran. TLB


Abram could therefore have been born when Terah was about 25, that would make him a little over a hundred years old when Terah died. From this it is clear that Abram set out for the land "God was going to show him" about 30 years before Terah's death since he was 75 at the time: Gen 12:4 Abram left, as the LORD had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran. NIV.
Gen 12:1 God had told Abram, "Leave your own country* behind you, and your own people,* and go to the land I will guide you to. *Shows that he'd lived there long enough to call it "his country" and "his people." As we showed in "Arabs are Hamites," Abraham kept to his own people for wives for Isaac and Jacob.
God didn't make any promises to Tera, vs. to AbramGen 12:2 If you do (obedience), I will cause you to become the father of a great nation; I will bless you and make your name famous, and you will be a blessing to many others. 3 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you; and the entire world will be blessed because of you." TLB
Gen 12:6 Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. 7 The LORD appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him. NIV (Back to/See also Calling)
UnityGen 13:6 But the land could not support both Abram and Lot with all their flocks and herds. There were too many animals for the available pasture. 7 So fights broke out between the herdsmen of Abram and Lot, despite the danger they all faced from the tribes of Canaanites and Perizzites present in the land. 8 Then Abram talked it over with Lot. "This fighting between our men has got to stop," he said. "We can't afford to let a rift develop between our clans. Close relatives such as we are must present a united front! TLB (...for we are brothers. NIV)
Abram, Lot separate Gen 13:9 Is not the whole land before you? Let's part company. If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; if you go to the right, I'll go to the left." [yamiyn (yaw-meen') sama'l (saw-mal') Strong's Numbers]

What if Lot had chosen to go right, would Abram have gone east? It's doubtful that Lot would have gone further west - that's the sea. God's choice was obviously for Abram to stay where he was, so let's conclude with God having fixed a fix for Lot to go east since he knew Lot would have chosen the best part - not caring that the people there were Evil


10 Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, toward Zoar. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) 11 So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company: 12 Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom. 13 Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD. NIV
EvilGen 13:13 Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD. NIV
Abram IDENTITY, the HebrewGen 14:11 Then the victors plundered Sodom and Gomorrah and carried off all their wealth and food, and went on their homeward way, 12 taking with them Lot-Abram's nephew who lived in Sodom-and all he owned. 13 One of the men who escaped came and told Abram the Hebrew (5680), who was camping among the oaks belonging to Mamre the Amorite (brother of Eshcol and Aner, Abram's allies). TLB
The first time Abram is awarded a specific identity.
OT:5680 `Ibriy (ib-ree'); patronymic from OT:5677; an Eberite (i.e. Hebrew) or descendant of Eber: KJV - Hebrew (-ess, woman). Strong's Numbers and Concordance.
Gen 10:21 Eber descended from Shem, the oldest brother of Japheth. 22 Here is a list of Shem's other descendants: Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud, Aram.
23 Aram's sons were: Uz, Hul, Gether, Mash.
24 Arpachshad's son was Shelah, and Shelah's son was Eber.
25 Two sons were born to Eber: Peleg (meaning "Division," for during his lifetime the people of the world were separated and dispersed), and Joktan (Peleg's brother).

26 Joktan was the father of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abima-el, Sheba, Ophir, Havi-lah, Jobab.


These descendants of Joktan lived all the way from Mesha to the eastern hills of Sephar.
31 These, then, were the descendants of Shem, classified according to their political groupings, languages, and geographical locations. TLB

Note that Abram and his household had developed into a specific entity (tribe). This could happen due to Abraham avoiding being assimilated into the tribes among which he lived. He lived "among the oaks" as against Lot "who lived in Sodom-and all he owned. We saw (above) in Gen 13:12 that Lot at first "Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom." Later, however, he moved into the city and he, his household and all he owned became part of them.
Conditions for AbramGen 15:1 Afterwards Jehovah spoke to Abram in a vision, and this is what he told him: "Don't be fearful, Abram, for I will defend you. And I will give you great blessings." TLB All the Bible translations refer to God saying to Abram, "Don't be fearful." Obviously Abram was threatened, since he was a rich foreigner with a large household and competed with the locals for space and resources.
Abram's HeirGen 15:2 But Abram said, "O Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?" 3 And Abram said, "You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir." Gen 15:4 Then the word of the LORD came to him: "This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir." NIV
Note that Abram first specifically mentions that Eliezer of Damascus would be his heir, but then he states in the next verse that a servant in my household will be my heir.

Either Eliezer was actually of his household, or a family member living in Damascus. One gets the impression, though, of there being a time-frame between verse 2 & 3 in which something might have happened that removed Eliezer from the scene.


God saying, "a son coming from your own body," still doesn't say who the mother of the son would be. This might have given Abram some justification to have children with concubines - see have children - see Arabs. That Sarai would be the mother is explicitly stated aft in Gen 17:15 God also said to Abraham, "As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai; her name will be Sarah. 16 I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her." NIV
In selecting heirs for Abraham & Isaac the God of Israel preserved a breeding an unmixed stock (with Hamites) to start to build his Hebrew nation - See Arabs and others
This nation God was building was to be superior to the nations from descendants that were sent away. Isaac confirmed this:
Gen 27:27 May many nations be your slaves. Be the master of your brothers. May all your relatives bow low before you. Cursed are all who curse you, and blessed are all who bless you." TLB

The world and the Arabs have turned his sovereign ruling and plan in our day with the Arabs living in Israel's territory. They were turned into a nation, called the Palestinians, to serve as a vehicle to displace the Jews and take the land mandated to them. Gen 21:14 So Abraham got up early the next morning, prepared food for the journey, and strapped a canteen of water to Hagar's shoulders and sent her away with their son. She walked out into the wilderness of Beersheba, wandering aimlessly. TLB











