The New Testament speaks of little outward symbolism in the Church other than the two ordinances of the Lord's Supper and the baptism. Therefore, the symbolism that abounds in the Church of Rome, and currently in many supposedly Protestant Churches, is not based upon any scriptural commandments. Although it is claimed that these so-called Christian symbols have been handed down by tradition from the early Church, they have a more ancient source, namely the Babylonian Mysteries. The Halo and Sun Images It is usual to see a bright circle (halo) around the heads of Jesus, Mary and other "Saints," in idolatrous pictures. Alternatively, a golden colored disc surrounds the head. However, this symbol is not restricted to professed Christian Churches. It was used in pagan and ancient Babylon. Pictures of Jesus Christ and Mary were unknown in the early Church, and one will search the Bible in vain for such things. The disc or circle of light surrounding the head, was found in artistic representations of the great gods and goddesses in Babylon. The disc, and particularly the circle, were well-known symbols of the Sun-divinity. Apollo, as the child of the Sun, was often thus represented. The Missal of the Church of Rome contains a number of pictures of Jesus and Mary showing a bright disc encompassing the head, shining as the brightness of the sun. The solar disc or halo entails the same symbolism as that of the round cake or wafer. Therefore, it comes as no surprise to find the Church of Rome representing the consecrated "Host" in the form of the sun. These pictures in the Missal also include images of corn, (See Doctrine#wafer#corn)just as "the Son," the child Nimrod, was represented in the Mysteries. However, there is yet a deeper significance in the circle around the head. The word "zero" in Chaldee means both "a circle" and "the seed" in English; the former meaning of the word "zero" has of course been carried into the English language. The latter is seen in another name given to Nimrod, which was "Zoroaster," the head of the fire worshippers. The name "Zoroaster" is simply a version of the Chaldee "Zero-ashta," which means in English, "the seed of a woman." Thus we see how Nimrod was worshiped as the false messiah. Therefore, when we consider that the sun god Tammuz was symbolized by a circle, how blasphemous to depict Jesus with such a circle of light! The shining sun behind the head or the circle of light shows that what is claimed of Jesus Christ, is in fact the false messiah, Nimrod. Sun images appear widely in church buildings; these images may take on various forms. Above the "high altar" in St. Peter's is a huge golden sun-burst image. In other parts of St. Peter's there are sun images at the top of pillars. This is remarkably similar to the way the sun was worshiped in Babylonish temples. In the time of Josiah, the godly king of Judah, we read:
Another form of sun image that originates from Babylon, is the solar wheel, which is in the form of a chariot wheel, and is linked with astrology and the occult. This is also referred to in Josiah's cleaning up:
It is quite remarkable then to find that that the circular courtyard in front of St. Peter's marks out the pattern of a solar wheel. Another very common form of the solar wheel found in many churches is the rose window. This is often placed above the entrance of the church. It might be unrelated, but they are remarkably similar to the sun images placed over the entrances to Babylonian and Egyptian temples. This show how the customs of Babylonish sun worship have become a traditional part of professed Christian Churches. Churches are designed in such a way that the worshippers have to face towards the east - vs. the Temple, where worshipping was towards the west in front of the altar. Likewise, the entrance to the court of the Tabernacle was from the east. However, when Ezekiel was given the vision of the idolatrous abominations of the final days of kingdom of Judah, the Lord show him the following:
The Cross Most Reformers regarded it as "the accursed," viz.
It is therefore, an affront to the Lord Jesus to continually display a sign of his suffering and humiliation - especially one, which tends to superstition. It is a risen, ascended and glorified Jesus that should be worshiped. The cross is only a step away from the crucifix, which is the image of Christ hanging on the cross. This is a potent symbol of the blasphemous doctrine of the Mass, since the crucifix symbolizes the continual sacrifice of Christ upon the altar. In the early Church crosses were not generally used as a Christian symbol, until it was officially introduced in 431 AD. It appears to have originally crept into the Church through nominal converts in Egypt, and it then spread through Africa. The cross was taken directly from the mystic "Tau" symbol of Egypt. Many other variants of this symbol are known to have been used in the religions of the ancient world long before the death of Christ. Examples are available of crosses in Babylonish religions that look exactly like those used in the Church. It was commonly worn around the neck of pagan worshippers of the Mysteries. The "mystic Tau" was even marked in baptism on the foreheads of those initiated in the Mysteries, and was used in a variety of ways as a most sacred symbol. The mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and the Egyptians was the original form of the letter T, the initial of the name Tammuz. Further evidence of the connection with the sun god Tammuz is that the cross was frequently joined to or surrounded by a circle, another symbol of Tammuz. These forms of the cross have been widely used in Churches. The Celtic cross has a circle centered where the crossbars of the cross meet. It is not uncommon in present day church buildings in Britain to see a cross with a light shining in the middle of it, appearing as the sun. Another example is the Maltese cross; in this the four arms of the cross radiate out in the form of four rays of the sun. This design is often used in jewelry worn around the neck. Solemnly, it is the symbol of Tammuz, the false messiah. Crucifixion was widely used as a form of execution in the ancient world. Tradition ascribes its invention to Semiramis. It wasn't just a punishment, but it was also used for human sacrifices to pagan gods. Yet we read about the Lord Jesus:
Candles As we have seen, fire was an earthly representation of the sun god Nimrod; the name Tammuz, under which Nimrod was worshiped, means "the perfecting fire." Consequently, fire has always played and important part in Mysteries worship. One of the most common forms was the abundant use of WAX candles, which is a common feature of many religions around the world. In a similar manner, the Church of Rome and sadly, most of the Church of England today, require the lighting of candles on the table or altar before worship commences. Where the consecrated "Host" is reserved by the altar for later administration, a light or candle is kept burning beside it. The practice of burning candles by day was copied from the pagan mystery religions; it became a part of Church practice when Paganism and the Church of Rome merged in the 4th century. In the worship in the Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple lamps and candlesticks are described. However, they didn't burn wax, as in the Mysteries or the Church of Rome, but sacred olive oil. This also applied to the menorah in Zechariah's vision - the candlestick with seven lambs, which were continuously supplied with olive oil carried through seven pipes (Zech 4:2-3). Therefore, it is clear that the Romish practice did not come from the Bible. The burning of wax candles has a secret and mysterious meaning. The Babylonish religions had a corrupted concept of the "Word of God" or "The Word," Jesus. This secret is revealed by observing that "word," in Chaldee is "dabar," whereas "dabar" has a second meaning in English, namely "bee." Thus Nimrod, supposedly the messiah and the word of God, was represented in the Mysteries as a bee. Since wax came from a bee, the burning of wax symbolized the light from the "Word" that enlightened mankind. Thus we find in the Mysteries that Nimrod supplanted Jesus Christ as the "Light of the world". To the contrary, as John emphasis:
What blasphemy is it then for certain writers of the Church of Rome to refer to Jesus as a "bee!" Not only do candles tend to superstition, but they also symbolize the light from Nimrod. (Back to Rome-Power#bee) The Fish The sign of the fish (as well as other signs) was introduced by infiltrators into the Church, so that it would be easier for the Emperor's spies to enter the Church without suspicion. Nevertheless, many believers in the early Church regarded the fish as to mean, "Jesus Christ God's Son Savior," for the Greek letters of these 5 words spelt "Ichthys," which means "fish" in English. However, the name of the Babylonish god Dagon also means "fish" and was presented by an image that was half fish and half man. As shown before, the god Janus, (See Babylon-Rome#Janus) on whom the Papacy was modeled, was a version of Dagon; the ceremonial robes and miter made the wearer to look like Dagon. In fact, at about the very time that the Bishop of Rome was invested with the pagan title of Pontifex, Jesus was began to be called "Ichthys," or "The Fish," identifying him with Dagon, or the Fish-god. Therefore, we see that a seemingly innocent symbol of the fish to supposedly identify Jesus Christ is connected to the Mysteries of Babylon. Further evidence of the link between Nimrod, Satan and the fish symbol is provided by Bacchus, who was the abominable god of wine and all sorts of uncleanness that was widely worshiped in Rome. The name "Bacchus" comes from the Chaldee word "bakhah," which means in English "to weep or lament." Thus Bacchus was "The Lamented One," identifying him with Tammuz, for whom the women wept in Jerusalem.
Others identify the name Bacchus with the Chaldee "Bar-Cush," = "Son of Cush" = Nimrod. Bacchus also had the title "Eleleus," that comes from "Helel," the Hebrew word translated "Lucifer" in
Another title of Bacchus was "Ichthys," or "The Fish!" The Labarum
The "labarum" of Constantine, consisted of the Greek letter "P" overwritten
by the Greek letter "X." It appears prominently as a supposed Christian symbol
in the Standard of Emperor Constantine that was adopted into the Church of
Rome as a symbol of authority. The labarum contains the first two Greek letters
of " However, the labarum predates Christianity. A study of the worship of Augustus Caesar shows all the symbols of the Church of Rome used in the deification of the Emperor August, who died before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. August had a pontifical miter surmounted by a Latin cross on his head. Images of Augustus on coins of his own mintage, show him with a halo of light which indicated divinity, and on the reverse side of the coins were various emblems of religion, such as the miter, cross, crook, fishes, labarum, and the Buddhic or Bacchic or Dionysian monogram of PX. Obelisks and Church Spires Towers are feature at most church buildings, often with a spire - frequently located at the entrance of the building. Although it is said that spires point to heaven, some magnificent structures are more reminiscent of the tower of Babel. The origin of the spire or tower lies in the obelisk, which is a tall thin structure often copied for monuments. It would appear that Nebuchadnezzar's golden image, which everyone had to bow down to, was a form of the obelisk. The obelisk was symbol of the Babylonian religions and was commonly sited at the entrance of temples. So is there an Egyptian obelisk at the entrance of St. Peter's in the Vatican. It has a cross on top and is situated in the center of the solar wheel pattern of the courtyard in front of St. Peter's. The form of the obelisk has been copied by generations of church architects from earliest times, little knowing its origins and true significance. The symbolism of the obelisk is so vile that the author didn't want to describe it, but rather referred readers to his sources: R. Woodow, Babylon Mystery Religion, 27th Edition, 1993 p. 31 and A. Hislop, The Two Babylons, (Partridge), 1989 reprint, p. 179. The Truth of God Changed into a Lie The Babylonish religions had some elements of truth, albeit corrupted and perverted. Even before Christ was born they worshiped "the seed of the woman," "the son," "the word" and "the bread of life. "However, it was not Christ who was worshiped, but the imposter and false messiah, Nimrod, who is in reality the Devil. Clearly, from the most ancient times there was a carnal knowledge of God and his promised Messiah, but evil men turned the truth of God into a lie. Paul wrote about this: