Nimrod and his religion have shaped much of the profane world. The Bible only gives a brief account of Nimrod and the foundation of Babylon, but it is possible to tie this in with the histories of the ancient classical writers who have provided significant information about Babylon's founder and first king. Esp. Hislop's momentous, "The Two Babylons," first published in the 1850's. Another book is "Babylon Mystery Religion" by Woodrow, which complemented and updated the work of Hislop. Nimrod Founds Babylon Noah was a preacher of righteousness and his name means "rest" - he rested in God his savior. His one son, Ham, was profane and one of his sons, Cush, begat Nimrod (Means rebellion in English).
Hislop translated "Asshur" as a verb, rather than a proper name. Then the verse reads, Out of that land he went, being made strong, and builded Nineveh," which accords precisely with ancient history. Nimrod was the first king of Babylon. Nimrod's wife was Semiramis; noted for her beauty and gross immorality and licentiousness. Nimrod was known in ancient history as "Ninus," a name that came from Hebrew word "nin," meaning "a son." The significance of this name is that Nimrod was later worshiped as a reborn child. Babylon = Greek, Babel = Hebrew. Ancient history records show that Nimrod was the first to learn the arts of war and was a mighty warrior and hunter. However, he was also noted for the use of sorcery and fire to gain victories. He was the one who introduced the worship of the sun. This included in its rites, the worship of fire, since fire was believed to be the earthly representation of the sun. The sun god was worshiped from the earliest times under the name "Baal." Thus Nimrod led a great rebellion against God. Scripture also speaks of the Tower of Babel (or Babylon) that was to reach up to heaven. The Lord overturned the Babylon's plans, though, by confusing the language of the people. It is not surprising then to see numerous different names emerging for Nimrod and his wife, when worshiped as gods in subsequent generations by different nations - about 5,000. Nimrod is killed and Deified as the Sun God All the religions derived from Babylon have common themes. One of the central features is the death of the mighty warrior god. Nimrod fell to a violent and most untimely death. All the legends have it that his body was divided into pieces and dispersed, that indicates a great act of retribution and judgment - in which parts of his body were sent to different lands as a warning to others. This sort of thing is also described in the Bible - Judges 19:29 & 1 Sam 11:7. Hislop concludes that the executor of this judgment of God for such idolatry and rebellion was Shem, Noah's righteous son [from whom the Jews descended]. The violent death of Nimrod led to a suppression of the false religion (of Nimrod as the sun god), but his wife Semiramis revived it in secret. She claimed that Nimrod was now a god in the form of the sun, of which his earthly presentation was fire. She later gave birth to a [non flesh and blood]child who was supposedly the reincarnation of the hero Nimrod, now the sun god. The child is known under various names, of which "Tammuz" is the most important. The false claim was made that this was the promised seed of the woman, while it was really an imposture (masquerade, disguise) of the Devil, as Semiramis was effectively a harlot and a most evil woman. Even Nimrod's father Cush was worshiped under various names and became the model for Babylonish gods. Viz. the god called "hermes," whose name, when deciphered from the ancient languages of the Mysteries, signifies "son of Ham." It may appear very strange how anyone can believe that the sun can also be a child, but millions are deceived into believing this sort of absurdity. It is as absurd to believe that a piece of bread becomes Jesus Christ in Mass as the Church of Rome preaches. The dismembering of Nimrod is opposite to no bones being broken of Jesus Christ at his death.
However, the death of Nimrod in his various forms in the Babylonish religions involved the dismembering and dispersing of his body. Pieces of his body were kept and venerated as relics after his death and supposed deification. On the contrary Jesus Christ rose to heaven after he resurrected in the same body that suffered in his crucifixion. The tomb was empty ! The Mysteries The secret about Nimrod as the sun god and savior of man was only revealed to a selected few - those who had been initiated. These religions rites became known as "The Mysteries" in which the secrets of the sun god Nimrod were revealed and in which he was worshiped. The Mysteries spread rapidly through the ancient world and formed the basis for the heathen religions of Rome, Greece, Egypt, Assyria, India and many other nations. They are also the basis for most religions today, even some that are supposedly Christian. See also the 1st edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica [6, page 356]. The Mysteries involved deep symbolism; including re-enacting in plays of the death, resurrection and deification of Nimrod - under the guise of various names. The worship also involved fire to represent the sun, the giver of light. Therefore, the deified Nimrod was worshiped as the giver of light to mankind; he enlightened them so as to show them good and evil. Hence came the name Lucifer, the lightgiver or enlightener. Even the snake was worshiped as a secret symbol of the Mysteries. To the contrary, it is shown in Genesis that the Devil appeared as a snake whose seed, Lucifer, would be destroyed by the woman's seed, the real lightgiver, Jesus Christ. The opposite is the doctrine of the Devil. Paul said about this:
Semiramis Deified as the Queen of Heaven In further development of the religion Semiramis was also deified as the Queen of Heaven and gradually took on the honor bestowed on Nimrod. The general form of worship showed Nimrod as the sun and his wife as the moon, with stars surrounding her head. Thus we see the origin of the worship of the sun, moon and stars. It is, therefore, no surprise that astrology and the Zodiac originated in Babylonian religion. As with Nimrod, there were many pagan representations of Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven or the mother goddess. She was usually depicted with a child i.e. Nimrod, who was the incarnate sun god. This has been copied by the Church of Rome, in the facade of Mary and the child Jesus - actually Semiramis and her child born of fornication served up as Christianity. Just as the lives of Nimrod and Semiramis were abominable, so their worship in the Mysteries also involved vile and unmentionable forms of immorality. These activities were hidden behind a facade of outward holiness. It is, therefore, most fitting that the Bible likens idol worship to fornication and spiritual adultery. The Three Beasts Revelation 12-13 speaks of three beasts. Hislop explains that this in part represents the development of the three main forms of Babylonish religions. Firstly there is the "great red dragon" (Rev 12:3) - literally a serpent in the original Greek. Red signifies fire and blood. Ezek 23:14 speaks of "the images of Chaldeans portrayed with vermillion (red)" As we have seen, this represents the fire and serpent worship of the Babylonish system. This is then followed by the beast from out of the sea (Revelation 13:1) that represents the next development in the Babylonish worship, in which the god, who was part fish and part man, came out of the sea to enlighten and save mankind. When this legend and all its variations are examined, they are seen to be perversions of the Biblical account of Noah, who came through the flood that overwhelmed the ancient earth. This fish god was variously called "Oannes," "Janus" and "Dagon." Finally there was the beast from out of the earth (Revelation 13:11). In the Babylon religions gods who were part man & part beast represented this. These gods were variously believed to have come out of a cave or a hole in the ground. The main example was the Babylonian god "Nebo" who is mentioned in scripture. Nebo lit. means "prophet" and Nebo was associated with all kinds of miracles and sorcery. This is in line with the great miracles by which the beast in Revelation 13:12-15 deceived men. In keeping with the worship of the beast from out of the earth, the Mysteries were often celebrated in a cave or a grotto. Initiation Ceremonies of the Mysteries The Mysteries are celebrated in secret. "Open" religious practices involved symbolism so as to ensure that the full meaning of the worship was only revealed to those who had been initiated into the Mysteries. Little is known about these initiation rites and a picture has only been assembled from snippets of information. Further clues are provided by the secret rites of groups with roots in the Mysteries, such as the Freemasons and other occult societies. The word "occult" came from the Latin "occultus," that means "hidden" or "concealed." Any candidate for initiation had to swear terrible oaths not to reveal the secrets of the Mysteries, which if broken meant that the candidate would be killed. Similar oaths are sworn today by Freemasons [& Jessuits]. Some of these initiation rites involved a form of baptism, which was supposed to achieve regeneration and actual cleansing from sin. Biblically, baptism is an outward sign, while the Holy Spirit works regeneration of a sinner. Baptism in the Mysteries was also so formidable and terrible, that not all candidates survived! Terrible effects were created around them of noises, bellowing, thunder, shaking, sights, fire, light and darkness, terrible apparitions, etc. Then at last, the great god, the central object of their worship, Osiris, Nimrod, Tammuz or Adonis, was revealed to them in the way most fitted to soothe their feelings and engage their blind affections. Freemason and occult writers have also provided spine-chilling insight into the feats that a candidate for initiation had to perform. Viz. to cross an unbridged chasm in the "temple" floor. If he couldn't make it he fell headlong into a volcanic crevice and got killed. In other rites the candidate seeking admission to the inner sanctuary was required to pass through a closed door by dematerialization. Although it is known that there was much trickery involved in the Mysteries, let no one doubt that there were also real and demonic forces at work. The Deceptive Symbolism of the Mysteries The Mysteries of Babylon were not only copied (with variations) by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, but they have found their way into the 20th century culture & religion, including Christianity [& Judaism & Cablism]. Much that passes today as respectable religion is none other than the worship of the Devil in the form of the false messiah, Nimrod and his goddess Semiramis. The deep symbolism deceives the unsuspecting majority of people and most members of the Church of Rome and Freemasonry would be horrified if they knew the truth about their religious systems. It is the cunning of the Devil that keeps these things hidden from their eyes. A contributing factor to this deceit is the enormous number of names Nimrod and his wife have been known and worshiped around the world - approx. 5,000. Some of these names are titles Nimrod & Semiramis claimed for themselves during their lifetime. Viz. "Nimrod He-Roe," = "Nimrod the shepherd" in Chaldee - from where the word "hero" was derived -- hero-worship in the profane world in which a person is idolized. Other names were given after their death and variations of names arose to suit different cultures and languages.
A more sinister reason for all these names is the practice to reveal certain
things only to the initiated. For this purpose a cunning system of names
and symbols with double meanings has arisen. |