The New Testament does not instruct Christians to keep the Jewish Feasts God had instructed the Israelites to keep via Moses.

[Except the instruction to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in Israel after the coming of Messiah: Zech 14:16 Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD Almighty, they will have no rain. NIV - Zionsake Editor]

There is a tendency among Christians to keep certain days, about which Paul commented as follows:

Rom 14:5 One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and gives God thanks. 7 For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. 8 For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. NKJV

It is in line with the general instruction Jesus himself gave us:

John 4:24 God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. NKJV

Most Protestants celebrate Christmas, as being Christ's birthday and many Easter, said to be the day he was resurrected. However, few appreciate the origin of these festivals; much of the tradition associated with them is not only unscriptural, but also ultimately derived from the Babylonian Mysteries. These Babylonish practices were taken up by the Church of Rome and given a facade of Christianity.

The Bible does not record at what time of the year the Lord Jesus was born. [Therefore, we should appreciate his coming every day of the year. Also, God probably didn't want people to associate Jesus with any month of the Babylon Zodiac - Zionsake Editor]


In the early Church there was no such festival as Christmas. The first mention of it appeared in the 3rd century, when Christian writers of the time expressed disapproval of those who celebrated such a festival. It was not until the 4th century that the celebration of the birth of Christ gained widespread observance.

Circumstantial evidence indicates that Jesus could not have been born in late December, which is mid-winter, viz. the shepherds out at night with their sheep. 25th December becoming the date for Christmas in the Church of Rome came from a festival celebrated by heathen long before the Christian era, in honor of the birth of the Babylon Queen of Heaven. It may fairly be presumed that, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of nominal adherents to Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Church of Rome, giving it the name of Christ.

The 25th of December was widely regarded amongst pagan religions as the birthday of the Babylonian messiah Nimrod. In pagan Rome the week leading up to 25th December was the feast of Saturn, known also as "Saturnalia." The 25th Dec itself was celebrated as "Natalis invictis solis," which means "The birthday of the unconquered Sun." In Egypt the son of the goddess Isis, who was worshiped as the "Queen of Heaven," was supposedly born at this very time.

Even in pagan Britain, the Anglo-Saxons celebrated the festival of "Yule" on the 25th Dec. - long before the Christianity became the official religion. "Yule" is still used today in reference to Christmas in most Scandinavian languages. The word "Yule" is derived from the Chaldee word "Eol," meaning, "infant" or "little child." Clearly, this did not refer to the infant Jesus, but the infant Nimrod!

We must conclude that the introduction of Christmas into the Church of Rome on 25 Dec. was part of the merger of Babylonian Mysteries with Christianity in the 4th century.

Christmas Traditions

One of the most common Christmas traditions is that of the Christmas tree, which was introduced into Britain by Prince Albert in 1841. However, it had long been considered symbolic of the child Jesus in northern Europe. The Church of Rome's missionary Boniface (known as the "Apostle of Germany") replaced the sacrifices to the pagan sacred oak in the 8th century by a fir tree supposedly adorned in tribute to the child Jesus. However, the Christmas tree (or "Yule tree" in Scandinavia) is derived from a much more ancient source than this. In ancient Egypt the Babylonish messiah was represented by a palm tree, and in pagan Rome by a fir tree.

In the Mysteries the tree and the Yule log, which also appears in Christian tradition, symbolized the violent death and resurrection of Nimrod. The log stripped of his branches represented Nimrod cut off in the midst of his power and glory. However, there then sprung from it a young tree of an entirely different kind, which represented Nimrod having come to life again. Thus the Christmas tree is a symbol most dishonoring and offensive to Christ, as it represents the false messiah Nimrod in mystic symbolism.

[Zionsake Editor: note that Jesus is referred to as a "Branch" in prophesy:
Jer 23:5 "For the time is coming," says the Lord, "when I will place a righteous Branch upon King David's throne. He shall be a King who shall rule with wisdom and justice and cause righteousness to prevail everywhere throughout the earth. And this is his name: The Lord Our Righteousness. At that time Judah will be saved and Israel will live in peace. TLB

Furthermore, the "Branch" is from its own kind, from the old root:
Isa 11:1 The royal line of David will be cut off, chopped down like a tree; but from the stump will grow a Shoot-yes, a new Branch from the old root. TLB

Note also that this is a prophesy of Messiah's second coming to rule as a king over David's restored kingdom - it does not say he will restore the kingdom, it will be there when he makes his appearance - since the Armageddon war is about robbing Israel of her wealth.]

The prophet Jeremiah warned Israel against "tree idolatry," viz.

Jer 10:2 "Do not learn the way of the gentiles; Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, For the Gentiles are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the peoples are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. 4 They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not topple. 5 They are upright, like a palm tree, And they cannot speak; They must be carried, Because they cannot go by themselves. Do not be afraid of them, For they cannot do evil, Nor can they do any good." NKJV

Furthermore, the Bible speaks in numerous places about the idolatrous practice of bowing down under a green tree.

Other traditions, such as the boar's head, the Christmas goose, Yule cakes and excessive drinking, are taken from the Mysteries. They were all part of the pagan rituals and drunken revelry that occurred around the 25th Dec. The Norwegian Yule cakes are particularly interesting, for they are round cakes, which are stacked up in the form of a tower. Each cake is in the shape of a circle or halo, the symbol of Tammuz. They may have originated from the unbloody offering to the Queen of Heaven. The tower reminds us of the tower crown of Diana of Ephesians, symbolizing Semiramis building the walls and towers of Babylon.

Christmas carols can also be full of Babylonish symbolism. Viz. singing about the "The holly and the Ivy," that is not so innocent, since ivy is the symbol of Bacchus. The circular wreath or garland, placed on the doors in Britain at Christmas, is also symbolic of Bacchus. Another example is the carol "I saw three ships come sailing in." Ships sailing into Bethlehem about 2,500ft above sea level?! It continues, "And what was in those ships all three? Our savior Christ and his lady." It obviously refers to one of the titles of the deified Semiramis, "The lady of the Sea," which the Church of Rome applies to the Virgin Mary. Thus the carol mixes up Jesus and Nimrod, who was represented by the fish god Dagon from out of the sea. Let us remember John's revelation:

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise out of the sea." (Rev 13:1)

Parts of the tradition surrounding "Father Christmas" appear to be of Babylon origin.

  1. He is dressed in red, the color of the Chaldeans [Cardinals].

  2. His title is "Father" just as the high priest of the Mysteries.

  3. He speaks with children in a grotto, which as is shown below, is unmistakably similar to the Mysteries.

  4. His flying through the air is reminiscent of witchcraft and the acts of levitation required by certain initiation ceremonies of the Mysteries.

Furthermore, the name Santa is an anagram of "Satan;" the use of such anagrams is a device of the occult to confuse the uninitiated as to the true identity of what they are witnessing. (See St. Satan below)

Considering all the pagan aspects of Christmas, believers should have nothing to do with it!

Idolatry in Betlechem

A visitor to Betlechem 150 years ago wrote about his abhorrence of finding Jesus' supposed birthplace to be a grotto underneath the convent built over it, and asked the question: "why does everything meaningful have to be pictured as to have happened in a cave?"

Even John's revelations on Patmos are said to have been in a cave! So why are all these events said to have occurred in caves, when the Bible gives no such indication? The awful truth is connected with the vision that the Apostle John was given: Rev 13:11 "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth," This beast typifies the branch of the Babylon religions in which gods are represented as part of man and beast, supposedly having come out of a cave or a hole in the ground. For this reason, the Mysteries are frequently celebrated underground.

Actually, the cave shown in Betlechem as the place where Jesus was born, a 4th-century writer pointed out, was actually a rock shrine where Tammuz was worshiped. To worship where Jesus was supposedly born, is therefore, a continuation of the worship of Tammuz, except that Tammuz was given the name Jesus Christ!


Although there was no apostolic commandment as such, many professing Christians in the early Church observed a festival called "Pasch." = based on the Jewish Pesach. A little later, in spring, Pagans celebrated a festival dedicated to the Queen of Heaven, the dates of which varied in different nations. During the 4th century, however, the Church of Rome, in its policy to conciliate the pagans to nominal Christians, amalgamated these two festivals. This was achieved by a complicated, skillful, adjustment of the calendar. This amalgamation was completed in 519 AD, when it was decreed by the Bishop of Rome that the 40 day fast known as Lent was to be kept before Easter. Of course, no such period of fasting is connected to the Jewish Passover (Pesach). However, the 40 day fast was an essential part of the Babylonish spring festivals.
[This could be an incidence of the "Man of sin" changing seasons and times? - Zionsake]

The KJV wrongly, uses the word Easter for Passover in

Acts 12:4, "And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter (NT: 3957) to bring him forth to the people." KJV
NT: 3957 pascha (pas'-khah); of Aramaic origin [compare OT: 6453]; the Passover (the meal, the day, the festival or the special sacrifices connected with it)
KJV - Easter, Passover. (Strong's Numbers) THIS IS A MAJOR BLUNDER IN THE KJV!

The word Easter comes from the Anglo-Saxon word "Eostre," the name of the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. However, "Eostre" was in turn derived from one of the ancient titles of the Babylonian Queen of Heaven. In ancient Assyria, this was "Ishtar," and in other parts of the ancient world it was "Astarte." In the Bible, this goddess was also known as "Ashtareth." These names are derived from the Chaldee for "the woman that made the encompassing wall;" for it was Semiramis who first built the walls and towers of Babylon.

Just as eggs are associated with Easter today, so were they regarded as sacred symbols in Babylon, Egypt and many other parts of the world. Viz. the ancient account of a mystic egg, of wondrous size that fell from heaven into the Euphrates River. The fishes rolled it to the bank, where the doves, having settled on it and hatched it, brought forth Venus, who afterwards was called the Syrian Goddess - that is Astarte. Hence the egg became one of the symbols of Astarte or Easter; and accordingly, in Cyprus, one of the chosen seats of Venus or Astarte, was the egg of wondrous size…

The eating of hot-cross buns on Good Friday is also of pagan origin. It is derived from the cakes offered to the Queen of Heaven - Jer 7:18 quoted before and

Jer 44:19 "And," the women added, "do you suppose that we were worshiping the Queen of Heaven and pouring out our libations to her and making cakes for her with her image on them, without our husbands knowing it and helping us? Of course not!" TLB

The original Hebrew word used for "cakes" actually signifies "cakes with marks on them."

As we have seen, the cross is a sign of the false messiah Tammuz; in this respect the hot-cross bun is similar to the Romish "Host."

Further potent symbolism of Tammuz is also displayed by the use of the fire-cross, viz. an account of the worship of a cross of fire in the Vatican on a Good Friday, in which a blazing cross of fire was suspended above the tomb of St. Peter's. (See also Ku Klux Klan)

The worship of fire does not end on Good Friday, for the following day "Holy Saturday" is that in which the "New Fire" of Easter is lit and blessed. The Missal states, "The lighted Paschal candle symbolizes the risen Christ himself who is "the light of the world." So the priest cuts a cross in the wax, to show that it represents Christ. Not only is this rite derived from the Babylonish worship of fire, but also the Church of Rome is implicitly celebrating here the risen Christ on Saturday, rather than Sunday! Furthermore, on the Maunday Thursday the "Host" (supposedly the body, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ) is placed in a sepulchre or "Altar of Repose." Thus the Romish "Christ" is apparently buried on Thursday and rises on Saturday! The god of Rome, though taking the name of Jesus Christ, is in fact Saturn, the "Hidden god" of the Mysteries, whose original Chaldee name "Satur" also translates into English as the number "666." Saturn was the god of fire; therefore, it is fitting that the rites of Easter fire should take place on the day of Saturn, or Saturday.

Saints' Days and Patron Saints

The calendar of the Church of Rome has over the years become full to overflowing with the feast days of various "Saints," to whom it gives honor. Many of these were truly Christians, such as the apostles and many martyrs of the early Church. However, others are of a most dubious nature. "Saints" who are specially associated with certain kinds of work or events in life, are called "Patron Saints." This practice was taken from Babylonish religions; in the Church of Rome the position of the Patron Saint is directly analogous with that of the pagan patron gods and goddesses.

It is recorded that when pagan temples were reconsecrated as churches during the period when the Church of Rome absorbed paganism, statues to various gods were renamed as statues of "Saints." The Romish pictures and images of Madonna and child, which supposedly represented Mary and the child Jesus, were modeled on the ancient portraits of Isis and the child Horus. As we've seen, Isis & Horus are version of the deified Semiramis & Nimrod.

The statue of St. Peter in the Vatican is widely believed to have been originally a statue of the god Jupiter. The halo above St. Peter's head is just like the Babylonian solar wheel.

The practices of kissing images and dressing them in clothes are also borrowed from Babylonish rituals. Likewise, the processing of idols that is often performed on feast days in the Church of Rome had its counterpart in paganism.

The Bible also speaks of this type of idolatrous worship prior to the destruction of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. The Lord said unto Jerusalem,

Ezek 16:17 You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them. 18 And you took your embroidered clothes to put on them, and you offered my oil and incense before them. NIV
Hos 13:2 Now they sin more and more; they make idols for themselves from their silver, cleverly fashioned images, all of them the work of craftsmen. It is said of these people, "They offer human sacrifice and kiss the calf-idols." NIV
1 Kings 19:18 Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel-all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him." NIV

It is shocking to compare this with the superstitions in the Church of Rome (and other churches) in which people bow before images and kiss them - including Christ on the cross.

The names of some of the "Saints" are direct copies of the names of Babylonian gods. On the 7th October we find "St. Bacchus" honored in the Romish Missal. This date coincides with the end of the grape harvest. At this time the pagan Romans used to celebrate the "Rustic Festival of Bacchus, who was the god of wine, drunkenness and debauchery. The name Bacchus means "The Lamented One" and was one of the titles given to Nimrod, who died a violent death and was wept over by his followers. Likewise, the Church of Rome honors Bacchus as a martyr!

Another version of Bacchus is the god Dionysus. As we have already seen, the same god from the Mysteries, was often worshiped by another name. Accordingly, not content with the festival to Bacchus under the name by which he was most commonly known in Rome, they, no doubt to please the Greeks, celebrated a rustic festival to him two days afterwards, under the name Dionysus Eleuthereus, the name by which he was worshiped in Greece. So it is not a surprise to find that on the 9th October, two days after the feast day of "St. Bacchus," we find celebrated in the Missal, the martyrs "St. Denis," "St. Rusticus" and "St. Eleuthereus" Evidently, the compilers of the Romish calendar didn't realize that this pagan festival only referred to one god and not three!

Finally, "St. Swithen," about whom there is the superstition that it rains on St. Swithen's day and that for six weeks. This is simply a perversion of the flood of Noah, in which it rained 40 day and 40 nights. As we have seen before, many of the Babylon religions had a perverted account of the flood, with Noah replaced by Nimrod. Now the name "Swithen" is much older than of the 10th century Archbishop of Canterbury, who was supposed to have been called by this name. In fact, it was derived from the ancient name of the Devil, "Sytan" or "Sythan," of which "Swythan" is simply the Anglo-Saxon form. Thus, "St. Swithen" is actually "St. Satan!" (Back Up to Santa)

Rightly so, a 16th century French reformer regarded the worship of saints and images as a revival of pagan idolatry.



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