Muslims claim that their god Allah is the same as the God of Israel and the Bible. It is not so, Islam, like the Church of Rome, originated from Babylon. However, although Islam did not adopt the full array of the Babylonish doctrines and abominations, many similarities are nevertheless, discernible. The Moon God The main branch of Babylon religions represented Nimrod as the sun god and Semiramis as the moon goddess. The goddesses Astarte & Isis were frequently symbolized by the crescent moon, and this was carried forward by the Church of Rome in the symbolism of the Virgin Mary. However, there was a variant of this in which the symbolism of the sun and moon was reversed, the moon thereby representing the male divinity. In this, Cush, the father of Nimrod, was worshiped under the name "Meni" or "Manai," = "The Numberer" in Chaldee. Given that astronomy and the calculation of motion of the stars was an essential feature of the Babylon religious system, it is natural that its gods were accredited with having invented arithmetic. The first words in the writing on the wall before Belshazzar were "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." MENE = God has numbered your kingdom and finished it. (Dan 5:25-26) The Lord God pronounced the doom of Belshazzar and Babylon according to the manner of their own religion. The pagan Saxons and Norsemen worshiped the moon under a very similar name. Hence, we still have the Scottish festival of "Homanay;" this name comes from the Chaldee "Hog-Manai," which means "The feast of the Numberer." Likewise, the Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon as a male divinity. They celebrated the birth of the moon god on 24th Dec., which was almost identical to the Anglo-Saxon date of 25th Dec. for the festival of Yule. Despite the widely held view that Allah, whom the Muslims worship, is simply another name for the God of Israel, it is contradicted by historical and archeological evidence about ancient Arabia. Long before the birth of Muhammad, tribes in Arabia worshiped the moon god under the name Allah. The crescent moon was used as a symbol of the pagan Allah, and was adopted by Islam. Allah also corresponds to the Babylonian god Bel, who was also Cush or Meni the moon god. (Back to Jesuit#Sacred Heart) Other important features of Islam are almost identical to the pagan rites of ancient Arabia. Mecca, the holy city of Islam, was also the center for pagan religions of pre-Islamic Arabia. Mecca was under the control of the Quraysh tribe into which Muhammad was born. This tribe was particularly devoted to the worship of the moon god Allah. It was believed that Allah had three daughters, who were worshiped as goddesses. In keeping with the Babylonish concept of a goddess that interceded for mankind, the pagans believed that the daughters of Allah were intercessors between him and his people. At the center of the pagan worship in Mecca was the square stone temple called the Kabah (which is Arabic for a cube); the original building was rebuilt in the 6th century. Following the widespread belief in the powers of magic stones, the famous black stone was embedded in the wall of the Kabah. Such black stones were found in other places in the pagan Middle East. The pagans of pre-Islamic Arabia believed that they needed to bow and pray towards Mecca at set times in the day. Furthermore, they believed that one should make a pilgrimage to worship at the Kabah once in one's lifetime, to process round the Kabah seven times and to kiss the black stone. There was a certain month in the lunar calendar in which a fasting was to be observed. All these rites were taken over by Islam. Muhammad and the Cleansing of the Kabah The Quraysh saw to it that all manner of different religions were allowed in the Kabah, so as to extend the influence of Mecca as a center for many religions. There were about 360 different idols in the Kabah in addition to an idol of Allah - there was even an image of Mary & Jesus. Muhammad was born in 570 AD in Mecca. He came from a family that practiced pagan occult arts. It was about 610 AD when Muhammad alleged to have had visions and revelations; this began his career as a prophet, and he soon had quite a band of followers. This grew into a large army that eventually conquered Mecca and much of the surrounding country. Muhammad purged the Kabah from its idols, and formed the new religion of Islam from the pagan worship of the moon god Allah. Nobody knows, however, what's left inside the Kabah. Questions about this would be sacrilege for a Muslim to ask, since Islam, like Romanism does not encourage freedom of inquiry or conscience. However, we should conclude that worshipping towards the Kabah and the mysteries of what's inside it, show Islam's roots in the Mysteries. The Doctrines of Islam, Babylon and Rome Despise denying the worship of all images, Islam has some remarkable similarities to the Mysteries. These are to be expected due to the pagan origin of the worship of Allah. However, we shall see that certain features cannot be explained in terms of the fairly distant link between the moon god Allah and the Babylon Mysteries. The teaching of Islam is a mixture of a variety of sources, which were widely available in Arabia around 620 AD. Scholars have shown the Quran to have drawn on not only Sabean, Jewish and Christian sources, but also from eastern mysticism of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. The Christian sources were heretical works of Gnostics, who we saw before were deeply infected by the false religion of the Mysteries (See Papacy#Gnostics). Therefore, it is not surprising that Islam denies the Trinity and proclaims that Jesus was only a man, though a great prophet. The denial of the Trinity was a feature of the Gnostics. However, it is strange to find that the Quran teaches that Christians believe in the "Father, the Mother and the Son. A further peculiar teaching of the Quran is that Mary gave birth to Jesus under a palm tree. It should be noted that in the Mysteries the palm tree (the original form of the Christmas tree) symbolized Nimrod's rebirth. These things show that the form of professed Christianity Muhammad had contacts with, was distinctly Babylonish in nature. The Islamic system of salvation is essentially one of justification by works, which is similar to the teaching of the Mysteries and the Church of Rome. The Quran teaches that on the day of judgment, good and bad works will be weighed up in a balance to decide whether or not someone goes to heaven or hell. This is just like the scales of Anubis or of St. Michael the Archangel. In fact, the Islamic concept of heaven is a place full of fleshly indulgences - really naive to believe, as we see in the Bible. Islam has a special place for Mary the mother of Jesus, which is well known to the Church of Rome. Furthermore, the teachings in the Quran about Mary are not far removed from those of the papacy, and this is being exploited by the Church of Rome to attract Muslims. In Islamic states there is no division between religion and politics. This merger of secular and sacred is similar to the Church of Rome, where the sovereign Pontiff is both head of the religion and a reigning monarch. A common feature of the Romanist and Islamic theology lies in the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was a pupil of Plato. Aristotle was the author of an intellectual system that, through the centuries, became the support and vehicle for both medieval Christian (= Romanist) and Islamic scholastic philosophy. It was his system that Luther and other Reformers confronted with Biblical truth. A final similarity with the Church of Rome is persecution, firstly of Jews, and secondly of Christians. The Jews were granted full citizenship in 212 AD. However, when the Empire became nominally Christian under Constantine a 100 years later, this toleration of Jews declined and persecution began. This was the start of a long history of terrible persecution of Jews by the Church of Rome. Likewise, early in his career Muhammad started attacking and massacring Jews. Muslim armies also greatly reduced the power of Rome's great rival the Orthodox Church, which was the official church of the Eastern Empire based in Constantinople. Islam and the Vatican According to an ex-Jesuit by the name of Rivera, there is a DIRECT link between Islam and the Church of Rome. He claims that whilst he was a Jesuit, he was briefed in the Vatican on many of the deepest secrets of the Church of Rome. This included the Vatican's involvement in creating a new religious movement among the Arabs with the aim of capturing Jerusalem, over which the Eastern Empire and the Persians had fought bitterly. The Jews were also a major impediment on the Vatican's designs on Jerusalem. This new movement among the Arabs, although not Romanist, could be used to achieve Rome's ends and would lead the Arabs ultimately to Rome. It is widely known that when Muhammad was 25 he married a rich widow called Khadijah, who was nearly 15 years older than him. It was through her that Muhammad gained wealth and influence. When at the age of about 40 Muhammad received visions (not surprisingly, in a cave), Khadijah supported and encouraged him to share them with his family, who became his first converts. However, before Khadijah married Muhammad, she was a devout Romanist, who had given her wealth to the Church and lived in a convent. Subsequently, she was sent back into the world with her wealth to find a young man who could be used by the Vatican as an Arab messiah. A cousin of Khadijah's, Waraquah, was also a devout Romanist; together they had a profound influence on Muhammad. Muhammad's followers were also supported by the Romanist king of Abassinia - due to Muhammad's favorable views on the Virgin Mary. Following Muhammad's death the Muslim armies made astonishing military advances outside Arabia. Rivera claims that the Pope supported the Muslim generals, giving them permission to invade North Africa on condition that they eliminated Christians and Jews, protected Romanists and their shrines and conquered Jerusalem for the Vatican. However, Rome's plans miscarried; the Muslims, buoyed by their victories, turned against Rome. They eventually built the Mosque of Omar on the Temple Mt. on the site of the 2nd Temple. The Crusades The Muslim rulers in the Middle East allowed pilgrims safe passage to visit Jerusalem and other parts of the Land of Israel. The Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne negotiated directly with Caliph Haroun al Raschid, who as a result gave protection to the Romanist pilgrims. However, this situation changed in the latter part of the 11th century with the invasions of the Turks from the steppes of Central Asia, which resulted in chaotic and dangerous conditions throughout what had been the Eastern Empire. It was then in 1095 that Pope Urban II initiated the Crusades to recover Jerusalem and the "Holy Shrines" for the Church of Rome. The move was also aimed at extending territorial power for the Vatican. This gave rise to many bloody wars over the next 200 years, which are known as the Crusades. Such actions were in total variance to the teachings of Christ. The whole concept of having "Holy shrines" for Christian worship, let alone fighting wars over them, is alien to the true Church of Christ. Apart from the mutual slaughter of Romanists and Muslims, the Vatican also made use of the opportunity to massacre Jews in huge numbers - in line with its anti-Semitic policies. The Crusaders also attacked Constantinople in 1204, pillaging and destroying the Eastern Orthodox Churches. However, at the end of the 13th century the Muslim armies finally drove the Crusaders from the Middle East. Secret negotiations took place between the Vatican and Muslim leaders, in which it was agreed that the Muslims could occupy Turkey (thus legitimizing the destruction of the Eastern Empire in Constantinople), but leave professed Christians in Lebanon in tact. Thereby, Rome and the Muslims agreed to attack their common enemy, those who believed and preached the Gospel according to the Bible. This rather tenuous alliance between Rome and the Muslims explain certain seemingly inexplicable events in the 20th, like the alliance between the Nazis and Muslims. Knight Templar
Fatimah Muhammad and Khadijah had four daughters, of whom Fatimah was the most famous, and also Muhammad's favorite. He regarded her most blessed of women after Mary the mother of Jesus. In the 8th century Muslim armies conquered parts of Europe, including Spain and Portugal. It was how it came about that a small village in Portugal was named Fatima, in honor of Muhammad's favorite daughter. Many centuries later, in 1917, the village of Fatima was the scene of a supposed vision of the Virgin Mary. The words of the vision related to the future conversion of Russia to the Church of Rome. Since the overthrow of the Eastern Empire by Muslim forces in 1453, Rome's great rival, the Eastern Orthodox Church had come under the protection of the Czars of Russia. This supposed prophecy was used with devastating effect across Europe, with far reaching consequences.
Rivera claims that this vision of "Our Lady of Fatima" was carefully planned
by the Jesuits, not only to destroy the Orthodox Church in Russia and Eastern
Europe, but also to draw Muslims to the Church of Rome. It was no coincidence
that this vision appeared in 1917, the year of the Bolshevik
Revolution. |