After an ostentatious show of power and wealth helped to bring about their (supposed)downfall, the activities of the Jesuits since 1773 have been more secretive and less obvious to the public at large. This secretive activity is consistent with the principles of the Mysteries, from which Jesuit teaching is derived - as against transparency advocated in the Bible:

John 3:20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." NKJV

In the 100 years following the suppression of the Jesuits, the Church of Rome seemed to have suffered defeat after defeat, that culminated in the seizure of the Papal States by the newly formed kingdom of Italy. However, during this period the leaven of the Jesuits was starting to spread once more through Europe. Romanism was making great gains in Protestant Britain; at the same time, previously sound Protestant denominations were wavering in their belief in the Bible as the infallible word of God.

The Jesuits during the Suppression

As a result of the action taken by France and other Romanism nations to expel the Jesuits, much of their wealth was confiscated - although they were still able to salvage a considerable amount for future use. And they were still a dangerous power, as seen in the murder of Pope Clement XIV a year after their suppression.

The Jesuits were granted sanctuary in Protestant Prussia and Orthodox Russia. This act helped to sustain the Jesuits over the crucial years of their suppression, whilst they regrouped and gradually regained favor in Romanism Europe.

The reason for this insane act by Protestant Prussia and Orthodox Russia to grant sanctuary to the Jesuits lay in their common aim to use the Jesuits to subdue the Polish people. Just prior to the suppression of the Jesuits, Russia and Prussia divided Poland between themselves. In return for refuge, the Jesuits were to guide the Poles into submission to their conquerors. After having corrupted the polish nation and lead it to disaster, the Jesuits were then the agents to help the conquerors to "absorb" Poland - how the Poles should hate the Jesuits?!

However, both these nations were later forced to act against the Jesuits because of their subversive activities. Yet again the Jesuits abused the nations that gave them refuge to undermine their stability and corrupt their religious foundation. Prussia expelled them in 1786, while Russia was forced to restrict them in 1815, and then finally expel them in 1820, as they were trying to subvert their nation to Romanism.

Meanwhile the Jesuits had regrouped, chosen new Generals and were working towards re-entry into Western Europe, by infiltration into the rank and file of ordinary clergy. In Western Europe new (ghost) organizations were formed by Jesuits priests that became openly Jesuit when conditions turned more favorable.

Napoleon - The New Emperor

Out of the chaos, anarchy and violence of the French Revolution, arose the famous Napoleon Bonaparte. His great dream was to resurrect the Roman-European civilization, dominated by France. He considered himself to be the heir and successor to Caesar and Charlemagne and, borrowing a title from ancient Rome, called himself First Consul. Being completely aware of the influence of the papacy, he concluded an agreement (concordat) with the Pope in 1801 and restored the Church of Rome's official status in France. In 1804 he summoned Pope Pius VII to give the highest religious significance to his anointing and crowning as the first Emperor of the French. However, as the Pope waited with his cardinals on the high altar of Notre Dame Cathedral, all expected Napoleon to kneel before the Pontiff, and like Charlemagne, receive a blessing; to the amazement of the congregation, he ceased the crown from the Pope's hands, turned his back on him and the altar, and crowned himself. In so doing, Napoleon had made it clear that the Church was in the hands of the State, though the coronation went on to be consecrated by the Pope. Napoleon crowned himself with the "iron crown" of Lombardy, the great historic symbol of Europe that had previously been worn by Charlemagne, Otto the Great and other European sovereigns.

Napoleon sought to bring about a united Europe by force - a Europe that would recognize him as Emperor. To that end the Hapsburg Emperor of Austria, having being defeated by Napoleon's armies, resigned his title of "Holy Roman Emperor" in 1806. However, Napoleon was careful to keep the Pope as his servant, even imprisoning him at one time.

Napoleon suppressed the Spanish Inquisition that also incurred displeasure from the papacy. The most terrible account is given of what Napoleon's troops found when they entered the "Palace of the Inquisition" in Madrid. At first it just seemed to be a place of piety, until they found a secret passage into the cellars of the Palace and the most horrific scenes of torture; there were many mutilated victims, some dead and some alive. The enraged troops released the victims that were still alive, put the inquisitors to death on their own instruments of torture and then blew up the building.

Despite Napoleon's grand schemes for a united Europe, the words of Daniel yet again proved true: the nations of Europe would not cleave together after the fall of the Roman Empire. Napoleon's disastrous invasion of Russia was a turning point, which led in 1814 to the defeat of France and his overthrow - at Waterloo in 1815. However, Napoleon's overthrow was of great significance for the Jesuits.

Re-establishment of the Jesuits

Pope Pius VII, who became Pontiff in 1800, relaxed the absolute ban on the Jesuits. In 1801 they were authorized to establish themselves officially within Byelorussia; several years later they were permitted to re-enter some of the small kingdoms that then existed in Italy.

The Jesuits proclaimed that the disasters that had befallen Europe and the Church of Rome including the the French Revolution and the wars that followed, to be a direct result of the ban placed on them.

Whereas Napoleon considered the Jesuits to be very dangerous, Pius VII (whom Napoleon had imprisoned) officially re-established them - on request of Romanist monarchs of Europe who saw the Jesuits as their bastion against political and social reform. The Spanish Inquisition was also re-started after Napoleon's fall; this was a sure sign of the terrifying policies that were to follow the re-establishment of the Jesuits.

However, Pius VII did put some controls on the Jesuits in an attempt to curb their potential to abuse their freedom of action. However, they acted according to the words of

Peter 2:22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: "A dog returns to his own vomit," and, "a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire." NKJV

They kept on interfering in the affairs of numerous countries around the world - to be expelled wherever liberal-minded people gained victories. On the other hand, when oppressors triumphed, they re-established themselves to defend the throne and the altar. So, were they banished from Portugal in 1834, Spain in 1820, 1835 and 1868, Switzerland in 1848, Germany in 1872 and France in 1880 and 1901. They were also suppressed in Guatemala, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia and Costa-Rica.

Throughout the 19th century the liberals, who were pushing for constitutional and social reforms, gained ground. However, most of Italy was ruled by Romanist kings, dukes or the Pope himself; they opposed all forms of democracy and allowed no political opposition or religious freedom. Jesuits, who were implacable opponents of liberals, aided them. This, of course, led to revolutions, the greatest of which, was in 1848, when revolution raged all over Europe. The Austrian Empire only just survived and a popular uprising in Rome, lead to the forming of a Republic and the overthrow of the absolute rule of the Pope, who then fled in exile. However, the Roman Republic of 1848 was quickly crushed by an alliance of France, Austria, Spain and Naples. The Jesuits were instrumental in putting together this alliance that brutally reinstated papal rule in Rome.

The reason for the involvement of France was that Louis Napoleon sought absolute power in France by gaining the support of the Church of Rome and the Jesuits. After becoming President of the French Republic in 1848, he favored the Jesuits in many ways. This gave the Jesuits the opportunity to stage various appearances of the Virgin Mary in France; the most famous of which was at Lourdes. This followed the Pope's pronouncement in 1854 of the Immaculate Conception (sinlessness) of the Virgin Mary.

Fall of the papal States

The forces of Italian Nationalists under the king of Piedmont regrouped; spurred on by Garibaldi, and effected the collapse in 1860 of the Romanist monarchs of Southern Italy, who were under the influence of the Jesuits. The merger of these territories with those of Piedmont gave rise to the Kingdom of Italy. However, the French army still maintained the territory around Rome under the rule of the Pope.

The end finally came for the Papal States and the Pope's temporal power in 1870, when France embarked on a disastrous war with Russia. When France was threatened by Russia's reverse of the war, the French troops had to be withdrawn from Rome and enabled the Italian army to capture Rome and the Papal States. That ended the temporal rule of the Pope, although the Italian government guaranteed his freedom to rule over the ecclesiastical affairs of the Church of Rome.

Complacency of the Protestants

The calamities that befell the Vatican and the Papal States during the 19th century led many in Britain to believe that the Church of Rome was nearing its end. This was compounded by "prophecies" that the Millennium was at hand. It led to complacency and a lack of discernment of the danger the Jesuits and the Church of Rome still posed. Others bargained on the greatness of the British Empire and the protection it afforded them.

Many Protestant nations sheltered Jesuits refugees, including Britain, enabling them to set up institutions - that jet again served as a springboard for their subversive activities, viz. in Ireland in the 1820's.

Despite the tolerance of Protestant nations, the Church of Rome throughout the 19th century consistently denied the right of freedom of conscience or religion. The papacy would push for liberty to operate freely herself, but this was with the aim of gaining supremacy and removing the liberties of her opponents.

The Oxford Movement and the Romanist Revival

In 1833 Newman, a Church of England minister and an Oxford academic, started a series of short publications entitled "Tracts of the Times." These tracts were well written from a scholarly point of view, but they started to introduce the seeds of new doctrines into the Church of England with a link to the Mysteries, of which, especially Gnosticism.

Newman quickly drew a group of clergyman and academics around him, and they became known as the "Tractarians" and also as the "Oxford Movement." They soon deviated further from the doctrines of the Church of England, as expressed in the 39 Articles of Faith. They had a strong bias towards the Church of Rome, and to covertly subverting the Church of England became their main agenda.

In line with their agenda, they started introducing customs, rituals and doctrines of the Church of Rome into the Church of England - including the Mass, followed by convents, the confessional, penances (including self-inflicted injuries) and the supposed virtue of celibacy. All this was, of course, at first done secretly. Even when they started operating more openly, the Church of England didn't take any effective action to prevent this abuse. Next, the Church of Rome officially started establishing parishes and dioceses throughout Britain. In 1845 Newman left the Church of England and eventually became a Cardinal in the Church of Rome. However, many of his piers remained in the Church of England with the secret aim of bringing it back into union with the Church of Rome!

Jesuits Infiltration into the Church of England

The Oxford Movement bore the hallmarks of the Jesuits, and there was testimony to prove it. Their agenda was to destroy the doctrinal stand of the Church of England and drive the ministers away from their Bibles. To achieve this aim they infiltrated all levels of the Church and society. And they were largely successful to undermine and weaken the Protestant foundations of the Church of England, the British Constitution and the monarchy.

Today we might be looking at the final stages of the destruction of the British nation. Britain is set to be partitioned and to become subservient to the new Reich or Holy Roman Empire, more commonly known as the EU.


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