Following the powerful preaching of the Gospel by Luther, Zwingli and other men of God, in the period 1517 to 1530, the Church of Rome saw millions of its subjects depart from it. The people renounced the yoke of the Pope from discovering the truth. The Bible was also translated in many European languages. Satan's answer was to raise up one of the most infamous organizations in history, with the blasphemous name, "The Society of Jesus," commonly soon known as the Jesuits. They quickly became a powerful tool in the Vatican's fight against the Reformation.

Countless books have been written about the Jesuits over the centuries because of their power to even shape and destroy nations. Protestants need to be warned about their infiltration into their churches and corrupting influence. Truly, it's a false Christ and a false gospel that they represent. They are the main force behind the Vatican and the dynasty of the Popes - the kingdom of the Antichrist, the Pope having the credentials of the "man of sin."

Ignatius Loyola

The founder of the Jesuits, Don Inigo Lopez, was born in 1491 in the castle of Loyola in the Basque region of Spain. He changed his name to Ignatius Loyola. Having been a soldier, the principles and the discipline was the norm in his new order. The leader was to be the general who demanded total and unquestioning obedience from his inferiors down the ranks. The Order was to be at the complete disposal of the Pope as an army of the most zealous and dedicated spiritual warriors for the Vatican. They specialized in warfare by stealth and deception to undermine the enemy = true Christians and Protestants.

Loyola was deeply influenced by his study of the exploits of various "Saints" and emulated them, soon becoming a fanatic who made use to extreme penances and torture of his own body in an attempt to gain acceptance with God. At one time he resorted to a cave in Manressa where he received visions and revelations (like Mohammad in a cave) that led him into the deepest Babylonian errors of the Church of Rome, namely the mass and worship of the Virgin Mary.

After running into trouble with the Spanish Inquisition about his strange teachings and power over his followers, he started concentrating on gaining a formal education and religious training that eventually led him to Paris where he gathered a small band (10) of highly intelligent men around him. They became the nucleus of the Jesuits in subsequent years. They built up a reputation for their preaching the doctrines of Rome and for their laboring in hospitals. However, their preaching was not from the Bible - rather the grossest doctrines of the Church of Rome.

In Rome, the Pope, Paul III, received them quite favorably. He welcomed the offer of "assistance" because the standard monastic orders had proved quite incapable of standing up to the preaching of the Reformers. A constitution for the new society was drafted and agreed upon by the Pope, who in 1540 officially established "The Society of Jesus," with Loyola as its first General. These new soldiers of the Papacy quickly demonstrated both their intellectual capabilities and unswerving zeal for Romanism. They spread rapidly through Europe and it was not long before the gains of the early part of the reformation were reversed through murderous campaigns of persecution instigated by the Jesuits. More later…

Loyola and the Occult

Firstly, he received revelations in a cave and the Jesuits were originally instituted in a Mass celebrated underground. This follows the example of the rites of the Mysteries which were frequently celebrated underground in honor of the Beast "from out of the earth" -

Rev 13:11 Then I saw another strange animal, this one coming up out of the earth, with two little horns like those of a lamb but a fearsome voice like the Dragon's. 12 He exercised all the authority of the Creature whose death-wound had been healed, whom he required all the world to worship. TLB

Note the similarity with Muhammad who likewise received revelations in a cave.

The second rather strange aspect was the interest of the Inquisitions in Layola's activities. How is it that he was released when so many others were executed for even the slightest deviation from the practice of the Church of Rome? The secret lies in the even deeper level of the occult and Mysteries Layola was into than Rome. Thus there was an underlying affinity between the many who were deeply immersed in the Church of Rome and Layola's teaching - unison in the principles of the Mysteries of Babylon.

Layola was also more than just a zealous fanatic of the Church of Rome, he was also involved in an occult group called in Spanish, the "Alumbrados," or in English, the "Enlightened" and in Latin "illuminati."

Other confirming info shows that when the Pope dissolved the Knights Templar in 1312, the dissolution was just a cover-up for the "Templars" to continue their activities to enrich the papacy and remain its militant arm. Their activities to acquire wealth, their secrecy, their Gnostic cabalism and their oath of papal obedience were obscurely perpetrated under a variety of corporate names. In Spain and Portugal the Knights Templars became the Illuminati - led by Layola.

The Spiritual Exercises

The form of teaching that Layola claimed was revealed to him was the "Spiritual Exercises." These were intended to bring one to spiritual perfection - by means of systematic meditation, prayer, contemplation, visualization and illumination, Loyola would go into a trance and ecstasy. He was even seen to levitate off the floor, as have many Jesuits under satanic power. This was to build his elite Jesuit Order that was to follow him in blind obedience. Layola built his concepts from Ancient Greece, the occult and sciences. He wanted his priests to become the intelligentsia of the Roman Catholic religious orders.

The basic teaching and initiation for a man who wished to join the Jesuits was that of Layola's "Spiritual Exercises." It comprised a body of rules for teaching men how to conduct the work of their "conversion." It consisted of four grand meditations and the penitent, retiring into solitude, was to occupy absorbingly his mind on each in succession… It could be fitly styled a journey from the gates of destruction to the gates of Paradise, mapped out in stages so that it might be completed in a short period of four weeks… Layola, like the magician of old who strove to rival Moses, wrought with his enhancements to produce the same miracle of spiritual enlightenment that was brought about by the Holy Spirit after rebirth in Christ.

A "director" guided the candidate who went through the "Exercises." All the senses were employed in these meditations, until finally the mind of the candidate was broken like that of a horse to obey his master in all things. An observer of the Jesuits wrote: "Not only visions were pre-arranged, but also sights, inhalings; breathing was noted down; the pauses and intervals of silence were written down like a music sheet… which meant that the man, being inspired or not, became a machine who had to sigh, sob, groan, cry, shout or catch his breath at the exact moment and in the order which experience showed to be the most profitable. Using this method, Layola only needed 30 days to break someone's will and reasoning.

The methods are just like those of other occult and Babylonian religions that also use methods of TM, trances and visions. In later years the Jesuits became involved in witchcraft, Voodoo and the Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism - all with a common root in Babylon.

In the place of God

The Jesuits, once moulded by the "Spiritual Exercises" and further training, were to obey their superiors absolutely. Viz. in their Constitution: The Jesuit "must give instant compliance;" "sacrifice their will as a sheep is sacrificed;" they are "directed under Divine Providence by their superiors just as if they were a corpse, which allows itself to be moved and handled in any way."

The Constitution justifies this absolute obedience because they claim that the General of the Jesuits is in the place of God and Jesus Christ. In more than 500 places in the Constitution it is taught that the Jesuit is to see Jesus Christ in the General! This claim to be in the place of God follows the claim by the Pope, to whom the Constitution gives ultimate obedience. However, the General of the Jesuits came to wield so much power in the Vatican, that he became known as the "Black Pope," on account of the black clothes worn by the Jesuits and the General's enormous power.

The claim of divine authority of a superior over an inferior has been carried through to the wider priesthood of the Church of Rome.

The Constitution states: "No constitution, declaration or any order of living, can involve an obligation to commit sin, mortal or venial, unless the superior command it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or by virtue of holy obedience; which shall be done in those cases or persons wherein it shall be judged  to conduce the particular good of each, or to the general advantage; and instead of the fear of offence, let the love and desire of all perfection succeed, that greater glory of Christ, our Creator and Lord, may follow."

What awful blasphemy! The superior can command a Jesuit to commit sin for the "greater glory of God" and "in the name of Jesus Christ." This masterpiece of the devil has wrought countless atrocities over the centuries.

Jesuit Morality

In the Jesuit system the standard of morality is now centered in the Jesuit superior, through the chain of command to the General and the ultimately the Pope, since the superior is in the place of God to the inferior. Consequently, this undermines personal responsibility in the sight of God. For this reason a professor told a student who was studying under him to become a Romish priest: "You will never have to give an account to God for actions you do by the order of your legitimate superiors. If they were to deceive you, being themselves deceived; they alone would be responsible for the error you have committed. Your sin would be imputed to you as long as you follow the golden rule that is a base for all Christian philosophy and perfection: humility and obedience."

Therefore, the Jesuit (or indeed in more recent centuries, any member of the Church of Rome) can claim as a defense before God and man that he was only carrying out orders, no matter what the Word of God or his conscience might say. It is no coincidence that those in the Nazi Holocaust said in their defense, that they were simply following orders! (As is explained elsewhere, the SS and Gestapo were modeled on and connected to the Jesuits.)

The next great principle in the Jesuit system is that "the end justifies the means." Before this maxim the eternal distinction of right and wrong vanishes… There is no conceivable crime, villainy or atrocity this maxim will not justify. In fact, they become holy, provided they are done for the "greater glory of God," by which the Jesuit means the honor, interest and advancement of his society.

A further twisted doctrine of the Jesuits it that of "probablism." Viz., "suppose a man has a great mind to do a certain act, of the lawfulness of which is doubt. He finds that there are two opinions about the point: the one probably true, that the act is lawful; the other more probably true, that the act is sinful. In the Jesuit system the man is allowed to act upon the probable opinion. To make an opinion probable, the Jesuit finds easy, indeed. If a single doctor [teacher] has pronounced in its favor, though a score of doctors may have condemned it, or if the man can imagine in his own mind something like a tolerant reason for doing the act, the opinion that it is lawful becomes probable.

Following on the doctrine of "probablism," is that of "directing the intention." This means that if a soul can abstract itself from whatever act the body is committing, at the same time meditating on some holy theme or on some advantage that the act of the body may perform, then the soul contracts no guilt or stain. Therefore, the Jesuit can kill somebody or tell a lie with impunity, provided he does so with a holy intention. On the contrary, the Bible teaches that sin is transgression of the law:

1 John 3:4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. 5 And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. 6 Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. 7 Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. 8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God. NKJV

Finally, the doctrine of "equivocation" (lie, sophism) or "mental reservation." This allows for the Jesuit to follow a secret policy, whilst openly stating something quite different before the world. This the same as the system of Mysteries, in which the secret doctrines and purposes of the initiated could be hidden under double meanings and secret symbols - that seem quite innocent to the unlearned. A Jesuit quoted: "it is permitted to use ambiguous terms, leading people to understand them in a different sense from that in which we understand them… A man may swear that he never  did something (though he actually did), meaning within himself that he did not do so on such a day, or before he was born, or under any such circumstances, while the words he employs have no such sense as would discover his meaning."

Viz. how to permit perjury and yet be supposedly blameless: "It is the intention that determines the quality of the action; and one may avoid falsehood if, after saying or denying something aloud, then add something under his breath that, if true, would make his statement the truth." Thus the Jesuit argues that as long as God knows the "truth," he may deceive everyone else without sinning! Even the most solemn oath, be it for the Christian ministry, a position in the government, or that of a monarch, can be done falsely - something that has become generally accepted in society.

The Confessional and Penances

Early in his career Layola claimed to have received the gift of healing the troubled consciences of others. In the Church of Rome such supposed healing of consciences took place by the confession of sins to a priest, who would then give absolution and set certain penances to be performed - viz. repetition of prayers or physical self-punishment. [Due to its value as a means to control people] the confessional became a specialty of the Jesuits. But only God can forgive sins -

Luke 5:20 Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, "My friend, your sins are forgiven!" 21 "Who does this fellow think he is?" the Pharisees and teachers of the Law exclaimed among themselves. "This is blasphemy! Who but God can forgive sins?" TLB
Ex 34:7 I, Jehovah, show this steadfast love to many thousands by forgiving their sins; or else I refuse to clear the guilty, TLB
Ps 32:5 until I finally admitted all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide them. I said to myself, "I will confess them to the Lord." And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone. TLB
Ps 103:3 He forgives all my sins. He heals me. 4 He ransoms me from hell. He surrounds me with loving-kindness and tender mercies. TLB
Isa 43:25 "I, yes, I alone am he who blots away your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again. TLB

The idea of a priest absolving sins is demonstration of the Romish teaching that the priest is in the place of God.

As seen earlier, confessions were part of initiation ceremonies into the Mysteries. The Church of Rome, therefore, derived the idea of the confessional from the pagan religions of Babylon. Despite the rite supposedly cleansing from guilt, the purpose was often to obtain incriminating information with which to blackmail. The questions put to in the confessional included those of obscene nature. The abominably immoral priests of Bacchus used to take confessions, and just like priests in the Church of Rome, they had to swear to remain celibate (remain unmarried). Viz. the confessional is yet again an example of the rites derived from the Mysteries in the Church of Rome.

With the Jesuits it went beyond that had gone before, due to their "enlightened" views of what comprised a crime or an immorality - therefore only requiring the lightest of penances. Through this they became very popular as confessors, attracting the rich and powerful by flatteries.

The Jesuits carefully manipulated the rich to gain money and lands in bequests (gift, donation, endowment, etc.). They did this by implying that the person would spend less time in purgatory if they gave their wealth to the Jesuit. They were also able secretly to direct the affairs of and destinies of nations. When a monarch or a government official went to confession, there was no limit to what the Jesuit confessor might ultimately ask. Once he was ensnared with flattering absolutions, onerous demands could be placed. The secrets of the state could be winked out and then passed on to an enemy; policies of state might also be required from the official or monarch that would serve the interests of the Vatican or the Jesuits. Furthermore, subtle pressure could be applied via a ruler's wife, who herself was ensnared in the confessional.

One of the most evil aspects of the confessional in the Church of Rome is the nature of some of the questions that may be put to a priest; Jesuit theologians have been foremost in promoting this abomination. The intention of the question is claimed to be to gain the fullest possible confession for sins, extracting even those of a most intimate nature - "the most shocking and obscene questions, even to children. Trainees for the priesthood are taught about all the immorality they might hear in the confessional. For young bachelors who had just taken the vow of celibacy, hearing about all these sexual sins put the greatest of temptations and snares before them. Furthermore, they are taught what awful questions they are to ask penitents, including girls and unmarried women.

What can be more disgusting than a young girl or married woman being asked questions a father or husband wouldn't even dared to ask? There are still today constant examples of both priests and penitents being ensnared in immorality and illicit relationships; something still very real under the surface in the Church of Rome today.

The immoral questions of the Romish confessional are simply derived from their counterparts in the Mysteries. How appropriate then are the words written on the forehead of the great whore, who symbolizes in the book of Rev. the Church of Rome:


 (Back to Doctrines#confess)

Mariolatry and the Sacred Heart

Under the influence of the Jesuits worship of Mary was raised to a higher level by making her a goddess; immaculate conception; assumed into heaven to reign as the Queen of Heaven.

The worship of Isis or Diana (names given to Nimrod's wife) was converted into that of Mary; even portraits of Mary were copied from those of Isis.

The rosary is associated with counting of prayers to Mary. = Of Babylonian origin - also used by Buddhists and Moslems.

Jesuit worship of the Sacred Heart - of Jesus and Mary. Heart = Bel in Chaldee = the name of the god of Babylon. Viz. it's a mystery symbol for the worship of Sacred Bel. The heart = the reborn Babylonian messiah. (See also Bel#Islam)

In pagan Rome was Venus and her son Cupid - a boy with an arrow shooting his shafts at the hearts of mankind. The heart symbolized Nimrod + hunter shows that Cupid is actuallyy Nimrod. Today Cupid and his Babylonian symbol is the Romish St. Valentine.

The Jesuits Order (Society of Jesus) est. 1540 by Layola - followed by the re-established Inquisition in 1542. Crucial in halting the preaching of the Gospel in Italy.


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